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North White Plains Engine 74 for sale

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This has gotten me a bit confused. According to Recent Deliveries at, it looks like this rig is ready for, or has been delivered. The schematics for this rig show a revision to the plan with a date of 01/13/11 (see lower portion of the print) noting a "final inspection". Anyone have more info on this rig?

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I like it. No frills, nothing fancy, nice and compact. Good luck to the NWPFD guys with the new rig, when does it go in service?

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Are they still running Blauvelt's old Arrow as Engine 75?

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I am currently away at school, but when I was back for break at the end of March, we had received the new E-74 (with the pics posted, thanks firedude) but it was not yet in service, pending some last minute things. It very well could be in service now, but I would have to ask some of the guys in my dept. first before saying any more on that. We have been running Blauvelt's old rig for quite some time now as E-75, and it has served us really well, but needless to say a new engine has been a LONG time coming for us. The E-one that was posted from E-bay was actually sold to a vendor who repairs fire apparatus for use in 3rd world countries. From what I was told, the old 74 was actually repaired and shipped to Vietnam, where it will be used as a first due rig again. This is the most up-to-date information as I know of, I am sure other NWP members who are up on the current stuff unlike me could give you the best info. Hope this helps.

firedude and res6cue like this

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