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They all Lie !

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After 2 years of republicans touting smaller government and free market economy saving the day, the best example of Republican policy in the US is forced to show its true colors. After balancing their budget with the evil economy crushing stimulus funds last year Texas is facing a $27 Billion budget deficit or 30% of the current state budget. This problem isn't an issue of healthcare, pensions, welfare, social reform, education or any other societal woe people try and peg this on. The problem is politicians spending money like a kid with daddy's amex during economic prosperity. Republican and Democrat led states have all fallen into the same hole and followed the same exact path into this nightmare. They spent more than they had and when faced with looming revenue shortages worked the numbers and shuffled their debts hoping the shell game would outlast the economic down turn. What is most distressing, is that since neither party has a proven solution and neither side is willing to negotiate it is becoming increasingly clear that the working class is going to get murdered. The left cares only about the poor and the right only wants what's best for the wealthy. Their version of compromise screws us royally and we continue to dig in behind these animals on the grounds that Obama is after going to tax us to death, Boner is going to take our pensions, Pelosi is gonna blah, Palin, is going to blah blah...and on and on we go. What is the solution? If all sides are apparently doing their best to sink us, who is going to screw us the most gently?

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