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Pima County, AZ., Police Helicopter Down, 1 LODD 1/31/11

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Time: apprx. 1500 hrs.

Location: Avra Valley Pima County, AZ

Departments: Pima CSD, Various LE, emergency services, two military Helicopters ("Pavehawk"), two MEDIVAC Helicopters assisting in rescue off mountaintop

Description: 1998 MD530 LE Chopper w/2 LE and 2 civlians...2 reported conscious, 2 unconscious/ Reported to have been surveying emergency services communication tower sites, hit with a flash storm, possible hail crashed into mountainside. 3 survivors airlifted, 1 fatality ground transported by ambulance with LE escort

Links: Live feed: (video feed only seems to be working through IE, not Chrome or firefox)

Writer: efdcapt115

Live feed: Emergency services saluting one victim being loaded into MEDIVAC chopper from Pavehawk transport, to ground ambulance on site.

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