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Mount Kisco - Structure Fire 1-29-2011

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Date: 1-29-2011

Time: 12:50

Location: 87 Maple Ave. Google Maps

Frequency: 46.26; Fire 16; EMS 16

Units Operating: Mount Kisco FD 2281, 2282, 2284, E104, E105, E106, TL14, R15, R31, U13; Mount Kisco VAC: 7011, 70B1, 70B2; Westchester EMS: 45M1; WCDES: Bat 16, C&O Zone 5, Car 24; Bedford Hills FD: 2031, 2032, R10 w/ FAST; Mount Kisco PD; Con Ed;

Relocates: MKFD HQ: Chappaqua FD: 2063, E146; Ossining; 2332, 2334, L41

Weather Conditions: 33F, cloudy

Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 2.5 story 30x40 (approx) O/M/D. Heavy fire on the 2nd floor

Reporters: PFDRes47cue; PFDR47

Writer: PFDRes47cue

12:50 - MKFD toned out for reported structure fire.

12:51 - 60-Control reports several calls received for this fire.

13:05 - Battalion 16 says 2 L/S/O with heavy fire on the 2nd floor.

13:19 - 2281 reports main body of fire K/D contained to 2nd floor. In the process of overhauling now.

13:44 - Con Ed O/L

13:46 - 7011 to 60-Control, releasing 45-Medic-1. 70B1 and 70B2 will remain on-scene. 70B1 is available if needed.

13:47 - 2281 reports fire U/C.

13:53 - 60-Control inquiring for Red Cross the make up of displaced parties. Battalion 16 reports 3 families all of whom are adults are displaced.

13:55 - 2033 reports all Bedford Hills FD units are back in service returning.

13:57 - 7011 is back in service.

14:17 - 2281 to 60-Control, we were just notified by a passerby that in area of 40 or 42 Maple Ave, there is an outside odor of gas, we will be out investigation w/Con Ed.

14:22 - 2281 reports upon further investigation, gas leak is I/F/O 42 Maple Ave. Con Ed Gas is O/L. 60-Control advising they will give an additional run number.

**Nice job by MKFD to contain the fire to the 2nd floor.**

Edited by PFDRes47cue

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