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YFD R-1 Replica-Work In Progress

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I'm hoping one of you guys can help me with a question I have about Yonkers Rescue 1. What gear or material is carried topside in the roof compartments, especially the driver's side?


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I'm hoping one of you guys can help me with a question I have about Yonkers Rescue 1. What gear or material is carried topside in the roof compartments, especially the driver's side?


1st topside front compartment is Haz-Mat stuff, Level-A, Level-B, Decon pools etc, etc, etc......

Driver topside front is Accessories for all our airshores, Haz-Mat entry link cam, etc,etc...

Driver topside rear is soda ash, shovels, booms etc, etc, etc....

Shall I go on ?? :rolleyes:

Hope that helps.

Edited by R1SmokeEater
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I seem to recall a picture of YFD rescue 1 from an aerial perspective. It showed the light tower and I believe there was some other sort of mast? Does anyone know what this is?

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I seem to recall a picture of YFD rescue 1 from an aerial perspective. It showed the light tower and I believe there was some other sort of mast? Does anyone know what this is?

remote operated camera

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remote operated camera

Ahh! Thank you. What do they use it for? Do they use the rig as a command post?

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So which one is it :P

I thought it was either the periscope or snorkle for under water running.

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First, what is in our top side compartments is mostly Haz Mat equip. Also tripod with leveling device to determine stability of a building. We do carry some miss tools. yes But most of our bed and butter tool are located on the lower portion of the rig. We carry from : Man in the machine: to grip hoist to struts. i n lower compartments. We have been side bye side with Rescue 3 from the Bronx and the only thing we do not have that they do is and outboard motor and raft. Our rig is for One officer and up too five FF Rescue in nyc is manned by One officer and six members.Any ???? you have for Rescue One in Yonkers can be sent to me . I will gladly help in any matter that I can.

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This is encouraging!

With the soda ash, is it carried in bags or in buckets?

I'm guessing the Hurst tool & accessories are stored carried in the forward lower compartment behind the driver. Is that correct?

The rear lower compartment looks like it has a vertical divider, but I'm not sure. What is carried back there?

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How about that soda ash, bags or drums? :blink:


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Awesome work, Steve! Hope you will keep us up-to-date as your work progresses!

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Awesome work, Steve! Hope you will keep us up-to-date as your work progresses!

Will do. It will be posted here first as soon as it's complete.

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Um, this thread is about answering StepJams's questions so he can build an accurate replica of the current Yonkers FD Rescue One. Please don't hijack this thread-this member's talent deserves it's own showcase.

All non related thread has been split into it's own thread entitled "Yonkers Rescue 1 Numbers" in the Local Forums->Westchester section.

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Just finishing off the top deck. A lttle finish sanding, some exterior details, and it's ready for paint. Also waiting on a Code 3 Wood River I snagged cheap on ebay so I can cannibalize the interior and the front bumper.




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RetOldR1mackboxside.jpgStep Jam - Very Very Nice Job on this replication. Any thoughts of possibly doing the 1961 Mack B1 Yonkers Rescue Truck? (May be tough given the age of the Chassis, but was just interested) Edited by 61MACKBR1

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RetOldR1mackboxside.jpgStep Jam - Very Very Nice Job on this replication. Any thoughts of possibly doing the 1961 Mack B1 Yonkers Rescue Truck? (May be tough given the age of the Chassis, but was just interested)

Funny you mentioned that.....

I was just looking at an old Corgi Paxtonia Mack-B engine on my shelf. Kind of getting tired of looking at it.... B)

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Moving along, I need to finish up the decal artwork and tin the exterior brightwork, plus some minor details. But it's almost complete.




Edited by Stepjam

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Wow looks great can't wait to see it finished

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The first set of decals is on, the second set will be white lettering and metallics. The Bare Metal Foil application was tricky, I haven't done it in such a long time. Besides finishing the decals, I need to add mirrors, an access ladder, scene lighting and other fixtures, and miscellaneous details. I also need to paint and install the various doo-dads and gadgets I made for the compartments. I probably won't make the February 28 deadline, but I'm in no rush. ;D



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Steve-the whole project is amazing. You have quite a talent! The detail work (toolboxes, etc) are awesome! Thanks for keeping us up to date!

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All I can say is Work of Art!!! Code 3 Collectibles has nothing on you.

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I finished it last night, more or less. There are a few more very minor details that I have to complete, but for the most part it's done.





Edited by Stepjam
JetPhoto, SageVigiles, x635 and 7 others like this

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