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Things FD-PD-EMS Babys Born in 2011 Won't Know

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Kind of sparked my mind after seeing this list:

What Fire, EMS, Police or other emergency items and/or terminologydo you think will be obsolete when the babies of 2011 grow up and start to replace us?

I think the Plectron, Minitor, Siren, and other alerting systems for volunteers will be obsolete, and everything will go to a smart phone. That's actually happening now, but I think they'll never know what that is, and every phone will be "smart" then.

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  On 1/8/2011 at 0:02 AM, x635 said:

Kind of sparked my mind after seeing this list:

What Fire, EMS, Police or other emergency items and/or terminologydo you think will be obsolete when the babies of 2011 grow up and start to replace us?

I think the Plectron, Minitor, Siren, and other alerting systems for volunteers will be obsolete, and everything will go to a smart phone. That's actually happening now, but I think they'll never know what that is, and every phone will be "smart" then.

I think that 18 years from now when those born this year become eligable to be firefighter/EMS personnel, the volunteer system will be as necessary as ever due to the prohibitive cost of providing paid coverage to all the areas currently services by volunteers. However, because of the continued escalation of the tax burden I envision the individual village/town/protection districts being consolidated into a single County wide department, administered by the County, stations consolidated by distance and population, apparatus, procedures and protocols all standardized. Dispatching by the County, Chief Officers are County employees, Line Officers and firefighters/EMS remain volunteers.

If you take a couple of neighboring Villages (look at your own and your next door Department) and analyze their individual departments you can find

10 Engines, 3 Trucks, multiple Rescues, Tankers, Ambulances and ancillary apparatus in half a dozen firehouses servicing a response district that, were the department a paid department, have one third or one quarter of the equipment and infrastructure of the volunteer departments.

Given that municipal goverment expenses continue to rise with the burden being passed onto the taxpayer, I don't think any possible methods of saving money while preserving and perhaps enhancing service will be left unexamined. Given that Engines and Trucks today are costing $700K to $1M does it make sence for Dept A and Dept B to each buy a new Engine of Truck and station them a mile or two from each other when only one piece of apparatus could service the same geographic area if you erased the local village/town border?

And, if your a "County" volunteer firefighter, when your smart phone sends out an alert, if you are in the vicinity, anywhere in the County, you can reply to the alert via your smart phone that you are responding either to the nearest station or to the scene and dispatch can be made aware that the call will be covered by the "closest to the call" station or an additional alert is required to cover the call.

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Riding on the outside of a fire apparatus. Booster lines. Riding in a Cadillac/Oldsmobile ambulance. 3/4 boots. Most of the things I can think of fall into the catagory of having now vs what we didn't have before.....each memeber with a portable radio, PCs on vehicles, blood borne pathogen protection, nomex hoods, ightweight anything, everyone wearing SCBAs on the fireground, CPAP, LED lights, incident command (although some places still don't use it), rope rescue gear, Computer Aided Dispatch, seatbelt use, push bottom pumps.

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The smell of diesel exhaust in the firehouse / the ability to not have to wait for your rig to say its ok to move.

Pretty soon, we wont be able to make a single move on a fire ground without being filmed/video taped from some point, be it a Camera in a store, or a brother's helmet.

Actually having to use search patterns and remember your last move and feel your way around a building, rather then having a helmet mounted TIC show you whats in front of you and how to get out.

Scene size up, you'll arrive on scene, or even before that, and every company and crew will have a computer show you the entire building's plans and layouts, different hazards and not worry about the "what ifs" of the building

Accountability - every person on the fireground will have an RFID tag that instantly lets the IC know exactly what they're doing and where they're at. Firemen will no longer have to guess and use basic search skills to find their lost or trapped brothers

For the EMS side, no sales plug here, but with IBM's DeepQA project (jeopardy game show that will feature a computer vs. 2 world champions, will be coming out in February

) they're predicting that you'll no longer have to wonder whats wrong with your patient. Simply ask (speak) to your computer what the presenting problems are, and you'll have an accurate answer in seconds. No more second guessing or using your brain to figure out whats wrong, while good for the patient, bad for our deductive reasoning skills.
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  On 1/8/2011 at 6:10 PM, Remember585 said:
Hopefully "respond with caution" won't exist.

It should not now. Someone wrote the wrong definition for 10-20 and we cant get 60 to stop using the term.

10-20 = respond non-emergency mode.

All responses are with caution.

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Chiefs needing four radios just to talk to their routine mutual aid departments

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Hopefully our future brethren will not have to experience things like complacency, ignorance of politicians, budget shortfalls, and staffing shortages.....

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What the difference is between volunteer and career firefighter training standards. All firefighters salaried or on-call will be trained, equipped and held to the same standards.

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  On 1/9/2011 at 8:10 PM, bvfdjc316 said:

What the difference is between volunteer and career firefighter training standards. All firefighters salaried or on-call will be trained, equipped and held to the same standards.

You beat me to it!

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They wont know what those orange "Red Ball" gloves in the deep dark corner of the extra gear closet were orignally for.

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