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BLS fly cars

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i understand about response distances and all, but the priority has to be getting the rig out so the patient can get to the hosptial....just my take....

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To repeat my works for us, it may not work for everyone.

We are lucky in that we have not had a problem rolling our rigs for years now. The flycar(s), as previously discussed, have served their purposes..they are first response vehicles. The ambulances are rolling in a matter of minutes. Flycar(s) EMTs are additional positions on our weekly crew schedule....If my family member is lying on the floor in arrest, I'd like to have a EMT working on him with a complete set of BLS gear (+Defib) ASAP....The designated crew will be close behind with the rig...we maintain radio and nextel communication with each other once the tones go off... I have no problem with a EMT, with BLS gear and PPE, responding directly to the scene (if they are nearby). The designated driver and crew know where they are to go (to get the rig).

The state DOH would not have OK'd the certification of these vehicles (BLS EASVs-Flycars) if they did not see any value in them.

But..again...the first priority of any agency should be to roll their rigs consistantly and expeditiously...once you demonstrate your ability to do that, the flycar may not be a bad option...

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But..again...the first priority of any agency should be to roll their rigs consistantly and expeditiously...once you demonstrate your ability to do that, the flycar may not be a bad option...

I definatly agree with you. If your rigs can consistantly roll expeditiously then adding a flycar option wouldnt be a bad idea if feasable. But if you cant roll the rig, then there is no need for a BLS flycar.

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