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Forthwith??? Rush??? Expedite???

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One of the problems I have with patient updates is some crews (ALS/BLS Paid/Volunteer, doesn't matter) Will get tunnel vision from the dispatch and can't get away from the dispatch info even after they are talking to the patient. I have witnessed it I will be to busy with a patient and as emt's to call the e/r and they give the dispatch info or a past history as the c/c, thats not what's wrong with the patient at that time. Yes I have also seen paramedics do it. I think that unless you know the person on scene just keep an open mind until you get to the call and talk to / or see the patient.

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had to chime in sorry. working ems and needing immediate police assistance we would say forwith as opposed to calling for police and waiting greater than 20 mins while in a dangerous spot.we would give the 10-13 when death looked unavoidable. the police call for ems transports often some emergent some not but rarely no offense they knew what they acually had. they would use terms like put a rush on the bus to signify the seriousness of the situation.i never went to a "rush"call that was not very serious.the ultimate point i'm making is some terms are just tradition or even slang. as long as everyone operating knows what the other means no harm no fowl. as far as proceed with caution everyone uses some terminology stating continue in, nothing showing, stage , what ever ... as long you know what they mean by it, change the sops for better terminology if you want.

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