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Jason S

Rhinebeck 2nd Alarm 12-19-10

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Time: 23:20ish

Location: Bard College - Gym

Frequency: Dispatch, Response, Command, FG 5/6

Units Operating: Red Hook, Rhinebeck, Tivoli, NDP, Milan for coverage

Weather Conditions: Clear, 21F, Winds N @ 4mph, Humidity 75%

Description Of Incident:

Reporters: Jason S/FIRECHIEF63

Writer: Jason S

originally dispatched for smoke in building-update reported fire in boiler room

2329-Car 1 asks for Tivoli to scene, County asks specific apparatus or anything, per command give me 2nd alarm

2330-2nd alarm tones, Tivoli 66-12-13, Rhinebeck w/ tanker & ladder, NDP w/ ambulance Milan 48-12 to Red Hook Fire Station

2323-NDP Medic 76 responding

building fully charged w/ smoke

2337-Tivoli 66-12 responding


Edited by Jason S

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