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Hydraulics- North vs.South

7 posts in this topic

Here are a couple of instructor quotes from actual pump operator courses. One is the New York version, the other is the Virginia Beach version. They are quite similar. I would like to hear the Califoirnia version.


What should you flow that nozzle at? 40psi, right? Sure you could flow it at 50 or 80. Can you hold on to it? I don't know. What's the worst that could happen? Slide around on your back on the floor for a bit 'til you hit a wall and that's where you fight fire's just that simple yall


To determine correct Pump Pressure, simply throttle up slowly until the nozzleman just leaves the ground. Then throttle back 1/2 turn (on digitals, quickly tap the "Decrease" button twice).

If the nozzleman is in the building or otherwise out of sight, this can also be done audibly.

jack10562, grumpyff, jlamos and 5 others like this

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That is so great when I get back to a computer I have to give u some rep points. That is the best quotes for pump ops ever.

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Got a good laugh, Chief! Thanks for sharing.

And for those of us who are (were) MPO's, aside from the comic relief, some food for thought.

You alone can create entirely different outcomes for the guy on the nob with just a few pounds of pressure, one way or the other...

though it is always a blast to watch the nozzleman levitate a few inches and knowing you did that!

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Always stay on the MPO's good side.

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West Coast version.

1. Ensure you great nozzleman with a appropriate chipper greeting appropriate for the time of day.

2. When the nozzleman has the line fully stretched and politely asks for water, reply appropriately with "your welcome" and ensure you ask him if the water pressure is adequate enough so as to not hurt their feelings.

3. Once charged ask the nozzleman again if the pressure is adequate and ensure they are not fatiguing due to the strenous activity they are undertaking without seeming overly intrusive to their space and lifestyle preferences.

4. When done pack the hose ensuring you praise the nozzleman for their excellent work.

Then once you get back to the firehouse you can answer the civil lawsuit brought upon you by a department member for using the term "nozzleman" instead of "nozzle person." You will be part of a major debate where you will be supported by fox news, villainized by CNN and MSNBC, but through it all you will win your initial state court case. Only to then be trumped by the federal appeals court who will rule you are discrimintory and violated the persons civil rights to work in a harrassment free workplace. Again you will be back on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC and congress will begin to take up arms verbally against the liberal courts trying to set precidence from the bench. The supreme court will refuse to hear the case ording a review at the lower appellate court level which you get lucky and get the federal district out of Philadelphia who toss the liberal appeals court judgement out in an hour.

Alpinerunner, jlamos and wraftery like this

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Then once you get back to the firehouse you can answer the civil lawsuit brought upon you by a department member for using the term "nozzleman" instead of "nozzle person." You will be part of a major debate where you will be supported by fox news, villainized by CNN and MSNBC, but through it all you will win your initial state court case. Only to then be trumped by the federal appeals court who will rule you are discrimintory and violated the persons civil rights to work in a harrassment free workplace. Again you will be back on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC and congress will begin to take up arms verbally against the liberal courts trying to set precidence from the bench. The supreme court will refuse to hear the case ording a review at the lower appellate court level which you get lucky and get the federal district out of Philadelphia who toss the liberal appeals court judgement out in an hour.

On the floor laughing!!!!

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