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Mt. Vernon - Working Fire 12-17-10

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Date: Dec.17-2010

Time: 23:48

Location: 630 East Lincoln Ave

Frequency: 154.145 , Fire 18

Units Operating:MVFD , Pelham Engine 5 , WC Batt 18.

Weather Conditions: Cold 31 degrees

Description Of Incident: Fire on the 5th floor

Writer: TR54

23:56 60 Control dispatched Pelham Engine 5 to the fire scene, relocate Eastchester TL17 ,Engine 22

New Rochelle to MV station 3 to cover.

Saturday 12/18/2010 New Rochelle Engine 22,Eastchester TL17 & NR Car 2303 covering station 3

00:11 2 L/S/O fire darkening down , Primary search Negative , EMS treating 2 patients on scene.Engine 5 FAST

00:25 MVA Summit Av / Sydney Av car struck a pole and is possibly on fire - Engine 22 New Rochelle responded.

00:26 MVA handled by EMS , E22 returning for stand by station 3.

00:34 Fire U/C by Mt.Vernon Incident Commander.

00:50 Pelham Engine 5 returning to 1/4's.

Edited by TR54

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