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Lake Mohegan - Working Fire - 12/9/10

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Date: 12/9/10

Time: 05:35

Location: 3901 Gomer Court (Off of E Main St) Town of Yorktown "Jefferson Valley Collision"

Frequencies: 46.26 / 453.275 / Fire 17 / FG 1 / MVAC

LMFD Units Operating: 2261, 2262, E253, E258, L10, 69B1

YHFD Units Operating: 2533, E270 FAST

MFFD Units Operating: 19-6-1

MFD Units Operating: 18-2-1, 18-7-1

CVFD Units Operating: 2132, E231

PVFD Units Operating:

YVAC Units Operating: 86B1?, 34 Medics

SFD EMS Units Operating: 80B2, U88 (RAC)

WCDES Units Operating: Bat 16, C&O Zone 4 w/ 1404

Weather Conditions: Cold, 21 Degrees

Description Of Incident: Working fire in 30' x 50' 2 1/2 story dwelling attached to 100' x 100' auto body shop

Reporters: Remember585

Writer: Remember585

LoHud Article

Relocated to Mohegan HQ: 2341, 2342, TL45 (Peekskill FD) & 88B1 (Cortlandt VAC)

05:35 - L10, E253, E258 dispatched to reported structure fire. 60 Control advising multiple calls on it.

05:39 - 60 Control advising responding units one person possibly trapped per YPD.

05:40 - E253 reports fully involved house fire, still not on scene.

05:41 - 10-75 transmitted. E253 has a propane tank that already "let go."

05:41 - 60 Control dispatching Yorktown FAST, Mahopac Falls Cascade, Mohegan VAC & Bat 17 to the scene.

05:42 - E253 to 2262, fully involved and reports from units on scene all occupants are out.

05:43 - 2261 requesting a Ladder to HQ and send one Tanker from "somewhere."

05:45 - Peekskill TL45 dispatched to cover Mohegan HQ.

05:46 - 60 Control dispatching Battalion 10. 2261 cancelling the Tanker.

05:48 - E270 responding. 2262 requesting Con Ed Electric to the scene. Battalion 16 dispatched.

05:49 - 2262 reports an auto body shop on first floor with a residence above, 30' x 50'.

05:50 - 2262 requesting Con Ed to "step it up."

05:52 - 19-6-1 responding.

05:54 - "L10, as soon as the PD car moves, I want you to set up in the rear," per 2262.

05:55 - "E258 to the hydrant, send me water!"

05:56 - "2262 to the hydrant on E Main St, shut it down, I have a situation." 19-6-1 on location.

05:57 - "2261 to 60 Control dispatch an Engine from Mahopac, we need manpower here."

05:59 - E270 on location.

06:02 - Units reporting partial collapse, E258 has no water, 2262 reports "we're working on it."

06:03 - "2261 to all units, switch to Fire Ground 1."

06:05 - 18-2-1 responding. 69B1 transporting 1 to WMC.

06:06 - 2261 requesting Yorktown Highway Department for salt, "we're falling all over the place."

06:12 - 18-2-1 on location.

06:18 - Bat 16 on location, 2261 requesting the C&O Team to the scene. DC41 reports "Ladder operation is underway."

06:19 - C&O Zone 4 dispatched. Mohegan VAC, 39M2, U18 dispatched to an EMS call.

06:23 - Bat 16 requesting an update on the electric company, please put a 2nd call in, we have a hazardous condition.

06:25 - 60 Control advising Con Ed crew assigned, should be there in 15-20 minutes.

06:28 - 60 Control advising Bat 16 that Con Ed reports they have a rep on scene.

06:29 - Bat 16 requesting run down of EMS units on scene, 60 Control reports a YVAC rig and Yorktown Medic.

06:31 - Unknown unit reporting, "not enough pressure on this line over here."

06:32 - Bat 16 requesting 1 Ambulance to cover Mohegan and 1 Ambulance to the scene.

06:34 - Cortlandt VAC dispatched to Mohegan HQ for coverage.

06:38 - New Channel 4 Chopper showing live video, fire appears to be darkening down.

06:41 - Bat 16 reports units making progress, exposure issue is a 100 x 100 body shop, 4 L/S/O and 1 Ladder Pipe.

06:44 - 2261 requesting two ambulances total on scene at all times. YVAC is transporting unknown #.

06:47 - News Channel 4 Chopper reports business is "Jefferson Valley Collision."

06:48 - Bat 16 requesting Somers Rehab to the scene. Carmel VAC & Somers EMS have been requested to the scene.

06:49 - 1404 responding.

06:53 - 60 Control reports that YVAC is going to be transporting 3 with smoke inhalation shortly.

06:54 - Bat 16 requesting Con Ed Gas to the scene.

07:06 - 1404 on location.

07:07 - 60 Control advising Bat 16 that 80B2, 18-7-1 on scene. Bat 16 reports exterior operation, fire darkening down, making progress.

07:22 - U88 (RAC) responding.

07:31 - U88 on location.

07:36 - 2261 declaring the fire under control.

07:39 - Bat 16 requesting Code Enforcement to the scene.

08:01 - 2261 reports they have an excavator coming, the building has to be torn down for total extinguishment.

08:02 - 2261 requesting manpower from Continental Village & Putnam Valley to the scene.

08:15 - 2132 on location.

08:16 - E232 responding. (Originally called in as E231, later corrected they were in E232).

08:27 - 24-2-1 responding.

09:13 - Yorktown FD units released.

10:00 - C&O units returning.

10:09 - Bat 16 reports Red Cross is on location.

10:15 - Bat 16 going in service.

10:28 - Continental Village units in service.

10:45 - 2261 requesting Yorktown Water Department to the scene.

11:00 - Mahopac & Mahopac Falls FD units in service.

11:08 - E254 & TL45 responding on a CO investigation.

12:05 - All units clear from the scene. TL45 released from standby.

Edited by Remember585
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