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Freeport LI fire chief is suspended

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I can understand Florida having a law for that, the state is full of older gentleman who's own set hang that low to start with. Why would they want to see it in public. LoL


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I can understand Florida having a law for that, the state is full of older gentleman who's own set hang that low to start with. Why would they want to see it in public. LoL

Better be careful, there may be some on this here forum that resemble that remark... :lol:

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Way to go Marc; make it into a volly thing. If it was a paid guy would you have said....... "Let alone the paid chief vehicle"? or "Throw him out of the Paid company," ?? Your post was very transparent and I think its something the moderators in here need to review.

Actually, if you go back and read my post, I wasn't bashing the volly's at all.............I was bashing the "Volly Chief" who used some extremely poor judgement................Sorry if the word "Volly" offends you!:rolleyes:

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You and I are simply going to agree to disagree. Before I posted I had three FF'se review what marc posted just to make sure that I wasn't over reacting; all three agreed that he was baiting and turning it into a volly thing. btw one of the FF's is career and he agreed with me also, so while your entitled to your opinion, we are will not be able to agree and I think the Moderators ought to review the post from Marc and if they deem necessary, remove it.

It's "crap" like this that causes people to become frustrated with this site and yes, this is a free site ane we don't have to read it; then you hear people moaning that particpation levels are down. wonder why? Think twice before you post.


It was irresponsible of the Chief and calls into question his judgement and ability to function as a fire officer and as a volunteer chief he doesn't lose his livelyhood if he is tossed out. Ultimately this thread is about a lack of professionalism and not much else. Quit trying to turn this into a paid vs volunteer thread and get a thicker skin!

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OK, Chief, ya got me on the old days. Then it was Shenanigans, some were fun, some a bit dangerous, some bordered on the outrageous, and some, if done today would generate lawsuits. A sentence like the one I just wrote is normally followed by a "BUT" sentence and I'm not going to do that. The difference, and a big difference it is, is that none of the Tom Foolery was carried out in the public eye.

The water-in-the-boots and cupcake-in-the-helmet tricks are still carried out by today's FF's but what happens in quarters stays in quarters.

If you ever want to hear some great stories, take a couple of retired guys (from way back) out to dinner and let the beer flow. I have heard more stories that I will never forget..........

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The linked NY Post Article is regarding a mayor and a fire chief at odds over "Truck Nuts" , rubber testicles for autos, on the back of a fire truck . Interestingly enough they are 'illegal and banned' in Virginia and Florida and carry a hefty fine.

See this article Florida Ban . More on Florida Ban

NY Post Article

My advice to the Freeport mayor, man up and grow a pair of your own. This is simply more political correctness, the likes of which are helping to destroy this great country of ours.


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My advice to the Freeport mayor, man up and grow a pair of your own. This is simply more political correctness, the likes of which are helping to destroy this great country of ours.


Nah, I have to disagree. Since this thread is resisting going to a lighter tone (the jokes ain't workin') well then so be it.

This was a very immature move to "hang" this off the rig. I mean think about it. Little old ladies, moms with kids in their mini-vans (Mom:"look at the fire truck sweetheart!" Kids:"Uh mommy what's that thing on the back of the firetruck?" Mom red-faced and p!ssed-off:"Uhhh...uh" she looks in her speed dial for the mayor's cell phone number)

Okay so it's not appropriate for being on the apparatus. Mayor comes in (maybe he got a call of complaint about it) says "Chief, let's get that off the rig."

Chief moves it to another location ON the rig.

Mayor suspends chief.

LIke PEMO said "National attention" for this now. NOT good PR.

Any chief, volunteer or career that:

#1 saw this and obviously didn't disapprove

#2 received explicit instruction from the mayor to remove it

#3 moved it to another location on the rig

DESERVES a suspension. and if he doesn't grow up rather quickly is going to find himself OUT of his chief's vehicle.

Like the other posters in the thread have pointed out, with all the problems in the country, with all the pressures on municipal services, with all the stress, THIS ITEM shouldn't have become an issue, and now that it has, this chief will forever be tagged and associated with a very stupid act.

efermann, INIT915, wraftery and 1 other like this

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I have to disagree with you on this one as well. Next thing you know we will be covering up dogs testicles as well as farm animals because someone may be offended by the sight of them. Where does it end is all I'm saying.

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I have to disagree with you on this one as well. Next thing you know we will be covering up dogs testicles as well as farm animals because someone may be offended by the sight of them. Where does it end is all I'm saying.

Oh yeah, rubber nuts on an OFFICIAL vehicle (after already being asked nicely once to remove them) and wildlife/domesticated animals. The connection is obvious, how did we miss it?!?!?

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Oh yeah, rubber nuts on an OFFICIAL vehicle (after already being asked nicely once to remove them) and wildlife/domesticated animals. The connection is obvious, how did we miss it?!?!?

Neuticals? :lol:

I'm not exactly the most politically correct guy out there. But even I have to draw the line at some point. A nut bag hanging off the beaver tail is a little over the top. Funny, but not appropriate.

As for the truck nuts in general, I never understood it. Why hang balls off of your car? Making up for a lack of the real thing? :blink:

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Neuticals? :lol:

I'm not exactly the most politically correct guy out there. But even I have to draw the line at some point. A nut bag hanging off the beaver tail is a little over the top. Funny, but not appropriate.

As for the truck nuts in general, I never understood it. Why hang balls off of your car? Making up for a lack of the real thing? :blink:

LOL John:

I agree. If you need rubber truck nuts, you most likely have inadequacy issues. In all seriousness, while I personally think they look stupid, putting them on your own, personal vehicle is very different from putting them on your work vehicle.

Can you imagine if I came into work with my take-home with truck nuts on the back? That would, in all seriousness, probably my last day with a take-home car.

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It was irresponsible of the Chief and calls into question his judgement and ability to function as a fire officer and as a volunteer chief he doesn't lose his livelyhood if he is tossed out. Ultimately this thread is about a lack of professionalism and not much else. Quit trying to turn this into a paid vs volunteer thread and get a thicker skin!

This calls into question his ability to function as an officer...on the fireground? We will disagree on this one.

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berzerkity (I made a new word)

I think the word you are looking for is "asshattery"

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I have to disagree with you on this one as well. Next thing you know we will be covering up dogs testicles as well as farm animals because someone may be offended by the sight of them. Where does it end is all I'm saying.

Do whatever you like as a private citizen. Do what's correct as a Firefighter. Notice I didn't say "Politically Correct." I said "CORRECT."

I will agree with you about too many laws. It's because when a politician gets elected, he feels compelled to pass a new law, even though there is already a law on the books that covers the situation. For example, Isn't driving while texting a form of reckless driving?

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I think the word you are looking for is "asshattery"

No, I wasn't looking for it, but since you brought it up, I like it. It will go into my back pocket for future use. Asshat and asshattery are not actually words (I looked it up) they are listed as "urban slang." My experience, however, is that slang words eventually become official word. I'll start using it now so I'm ready when the lexicographers accept it. Asshattery seems almost like "Foppery" but the subject is nott only pompous, but stupid.

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<BR>I have to disagree with you on this one as well. Next thing you know we will be covering up dogs testicles as well as farm animals because someone may be offended by the sight of them. Where does it end is all I'm saying.<BR>

This is way off base. The point is not about nature but about the actions of the chief. I don't care if he was told to remove a set of rubber testicles or a bumper sticker or a sticker of that boy pissing on pissing on a symbol, he failed to follow an order by a superior and was disciplined for it. I think we are getting off base fast, exactly how this became a national story. :o

Edited by PEMO3
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When I lived in Lousiana they hung those from the rear view mirror! Now thats having a set!

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I have to disagree with you on this one as well. Next thing you know we will be covering up dogs testicles as well as farm animals because someone may be offended by the sight of them. Where does it end is all I'm saying.

Only if the farm animal is allowed to ride the back step. :P

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It ends when people grow up and realize that the sandbox is for everyone. Play togeather or go find another sand box. Politics aside the Chief went against a direct order form his immidiate boss. Enough said right there.

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It really is a sad state of affairs when people actually think this is acceptable. I bought a sticker for the old spare rig we had at work, it said, 'horn broke, watch for finger'. Guess what, I never put it on. It is a funny idea, but that is where it ends. Too many sensitive people out there, and way too many sensitive people on the unemployment line and plenty of free time.

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This calls into question his ability to function as an officer...on the fireground? We will disagree on this one.

Officership doesn't start or end on the fireground. Having the top spot filled with someone who cannot understand the country we live in today, whether we agree or not, is foolish and harms the FD as a whole. Not to mention failure to follow a directive by the Mayor. Immature and amateurish are the best I can sum this man's actions with, both adjectives I'd never want used about a Fire Chief.

helicopper, 64FFMJK and efdcapt115 like this

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We learn from others.

We can learn something here, too. For example:

in·sub·or·di·nate. adj \ˌin(t)-sə-ˈbȯr-də-nət,

defiance of authority

disobedience or refusal to adhere to a supervisor or authority figure's rules.
Willful failure to obey a supervisor's lawful orders

Deep down I don't believe there are any political agendas by any of the players involved in Freeport.

The suspension was a management decision based on the actions, or lack thereof, by the Chief.

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My advice to the Freeport mayor, man up and grow a pair of your own. This is simply more political correctness, the likes of which are helping to destroy this great country of ours.


I, too, respectfully disagree. This is simply inappropriate for display on a public vehicle and I seriously question the appropriateness on any vehicle (but that's just me).

While we may agree to some extent about political correctness, this isn't political and it isn't correct. Nuf said.

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Actually, if you go back and read my post, I wasn't bashing the volly's at all.............I was bashing the "Volly Chief" who used some extremely poor judgement................Sorry if the word "Volly" offends you!:rolleyes:

The word "volly" doesn't offend me; however the context in which you used it was completely unnecessary. If it were me I'd have removed all references to "volly"; additionally your quotation marks on "qualified" imply's sarcasm and as such your posting is not as innocent as you portray it to be.

While you have an unfettered right to your opinion; likewise so do I and I was simply pointing out that your post was very transparent. Everyone I showed it too thought so as well, so its not an overeaction on my part. :)

'nuff said.

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It was irresponsible of the Chief and calls into question his judgement and ability to function as a fire officer and as a volunteer chief he doesn't lose his livelyhood if he is tossed out. Ultimately this thread is about a lack of professionalism and not much else. Quit trying to turn this into a paid vs volunteer thread and get a thicker skin!

Uh, right mark. I think you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this.:rolleyes:

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Officership doesn't start or end on the fireground. Having the top spot filled with someone who cannot understand the country we live in today, whether we agree or not, is foolish and harms the FD as a whole. Not to mention failure to follow a directive by the Mayor. Immature and amateurish are the best I can sum this man's actions with, both adjectives I'd never want used about a Fire Chief.

Again we will agree to disagree you know nothing about this person but the article about this incident, we will leave it at that. Be safe.

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It really is a sad state of affairs when people actually think this is acceptable. I bought a sticker for the old spare rig we had at work, it said, 'horn broke, watch for finger'. Guess what, I never put it on. It is a funny idea, but that is where it ends. Too many sensitive people out there, and way too many sensitive people on the unemployment line and plenty of free time.

I dont think anyone said this is ACCEPTABLE, but the man got 30 days, will probably have the nickname "nuts" attached to him forever, is probably embarrassed and regrets this incident, PLUS he missed a working fire in an apt. building Freeport had yesterday!!!! Live and Learn Brother safe.

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The word "volly" doesn't offend me; however the context in which you used it was completely unnecessary. If it were me I'd have removed all references to "volly"; additionally your quotation marks on "qualified" imply's sarcasm and as such your posting is not as innocent as you portray it to be.

While you have an unfettered right to your opinion; likewise so do I and I was simply pointing out that your post was very transparent. Everyone I showed it too thought so as well, so its not an overeaction on my part. :)

'nuff said.

Man, you just can't let this go can you...................It's obviously not "Nuff Said", cause you want to keep this going! Listen, you can have 100 of your buddies ANALYZE my post, hell, send it down to NSA and have them analyze it while your at it. I could really care less at this point about how you perceived the "Context" of my post! I wasn't bashing volly's in general...............Just one..................

Let me guess..........YOU'RE the chief in question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

I think YOU need to grow some thicker skin!


Edited by CBX4627

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All I have to say is when the heck are we going to realize we as firefighters need to stop being our own worse enemy????

Common really??? You are in the public eye, you really want to have attention drawn to you because of stupidity???

People need to get a grip and start acting PROFESSIONAL!!!! We all say we are but we sure as hell don't act on it!!

If I was the village mayor and something that was inappropriate was on a chief's vehicle that the village owns, well that chief would be on "vacation" for a long time, pretty much until his time was done as chief and until a new one was appointed.

If you want to get them for your own private truck, fine, not a government owned vehicle.

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One of the best things about our job (volly, carreer, paid on call, whatever) is the blind admiration that the kids have for us. If you don't wave back shame on you. So that's why the addition of the balls was a bad move. The small interactions you have with the public when out and about can have great benifits down the road in budget or staffing battles.

The water-in-the-boots and cupcake-in-the-helmet tricks are still carried out by today's FF's but what happens in quarters stays in quarters.

Plenty of tricks still go on but PPE, apparatus, and equipment should be off limits.

PEMO3, JM15 and antiquefirelt like this

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