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War Zone: Chicago

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There are BIG problems is the city of Chicago. Robberies. Burglaries. And murders. Particularly murders of Chicago police officers. Friday an on-duty Chicago cop who was processing a crime scene, and also a retired CHA officer were shot dead in an alleyway in South Chicago:

Last Monday an off duty SWAT officer was shot dead in his POV:

In July, a veteran Chicago cop was gunned down. He was just weeks shy of retirement:

Just two weeks before that a Chicago cop was killed as he was getting off duty:

In May a Chicago cop was killed by thugs trying to steal his motorcycle. He has recently completed a tour of duty in Iraq:

I have an a scanner application in my Blackberry named Scanner Radio. 95% of the time the most listened too channel is the Chicago Police Department. The call volume and nature of the calls is truly alarming.

Something is desperately wrong when this amount of violent crime is occurring in a major city in the heart of our Nation. There have been calls for the National Guard to be deployed in the City of Chicago. But really, read the articles. It's hard to believe that even the cops aren't safe in the "Second City."

~Our United States of America......2010.

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But yet they are going to lay off Police...Chicago will just become another Detroit.....

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this is what happens when you outlaw law abiding citizens from carrying a handgun. lots of criminals are still going to carry them and will not be afraid to use them since there victims will usually be unarmed.

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  On 11/30/2010 at 0:44 AM, 64FFMJK said:

this is what happens when you outlaw law abiding citizens from carrying a handgun. lots of criminals are still going to carry them and will not be afraid to use them since there victims will usually be unarmed.

I go to college in NH and around here a good amount of people carry openly. I believe that there is no permit required for open- carry up here. I also think it does make a difference. I remember reading about a bank robbery where the robber thought twice when he saw two patrons who were carrying.

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As far as the Chicago Police Crime Stats Jan-Oct 2009 to Jan-Oct 2010

Murders: -2.3%

Criminal Sexual Assault: -6.7%

Robbery: -11.4%

Aggravated Assault: -12.0%

Aggravated Battery: -6.2%

Burglary: -1.7%

Theft: -6.1%

Motor Vehicle Theft: +22.9%

Arson: -10.1%

Total Violent: -9.6%

Total Property: -1.6%

TOTAL Crimes: -3.4%

Information from:

These numbers look a lot better than the NYPD crime stats 2009-2010

Murder: +14.7%

Rape: +16.4%

Robbery: +5.3%

Fel. Assault: +0.4%

Burglary: -2.5%

Gr. Larceny: -4.9%

G.L.A.: -2.1%

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Do you trust the numbers? NYC is showing an increase because they got in trouble for cooking the books. Google "Schoolcraft tapes" for more information

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  On 11/30/2010 at 0:44 AM, 64FFMJK said:

this is what happens when you outlaw law abiding citizens from carrying a handgun. lots of criminals are still going to carry them and will not be afraid to use them since there victims will usually be unarmed.

Yet NYC is still one of the safest cities in the country. Gun control neither decreases nor increases crime. NO ONE has been able to prove either side of this debate.

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  On 11/30/2010 at 0:44 AM, 64FFMJK said:

this is what happens when you outlaw law abiding citizens from carrying a handgun. lots of criminals are still going to carry them and will not be afraid to use them since there victims will usually be unarmed.

I disagree, and am opposed to any sort of gun control. There was a video, I believe on here a few months back showing what happens when someone bursts into a controlled setting with a gun, and opens fire (with paint rounds). The test subjects were then supposed to get their CC and return fire. Only one of the test subjects was able to do it, and he was shot in the process.

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