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Photographer Arrested for Impersonating Responders

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A Concord photographer who shoots fire and accident scenes in the area was arrested yesterday and charged with impersonating an emergency responder and obstructing the administration of government in the aftermath of a fatal car crash in August.
Edited by jack10562
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Granted this is a very uninformative and short article but if he was wearing a helmet and jacket that IDed him as a photographer how is being charged with "impersonation of emergency medical/ rescue personnel"?

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Granted this is a very uninformative and short article but if he was wearing a helmet and jacket that IDed him as a photographer how is being charged with "impersonation of emergency medical/ rescue personnel"?

Yesterday, following what the state police described as a "lengthy investigation," Blackden was arrested at his residence in Concord. Later in the day, he was arraigned in Concord District Court on two misdemeanor charges: impersonation of emergency medical/ rescue personnel and obstruction of government administration.

He also faces two violations: entering a controlled emergency scene without authorization and a "Red Light" restriction, which state police Lt. Scott Sweet described as "displaying emergency lighting when not authorized." Both of the misdemeanor charges carry a sentence of up to one year in jail, Sweet said. Each of the violations could result in a $1,000 fine.

It may not have simply been the turnout gear, it may have been the combination of turnout gear, emergency lights, and more that we're not privvy to. Use of emergency lights by a photographer is a bit much too.

I'm reasonably sure that in time we'll find out more about this case.

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