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Looking For Information On Pleasantville's Old Aerialscope

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I'm looking for some info on the aerialscope that pleasantville had, like is it a lemon or is just the hydraulics bad-, who owns it now?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer

please email me any info



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That entire generation of scopes went bad. Pleasantville's was one of the last 2 remaining in service at one point. There were several design and engineering flaws that doomed them to fail, that have long since been worked out. Last I heard it belonged to Seagrave and was headed to the scrap pile.

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That entire generation of scopes went bad. Pleasantville's was one of the last 2 remaining in service at one point. There were several design and engineering flaws that doomed them to fail, that have long since been worked out. Last I heard it belonged to Seagrave and was headed to the scrap pile.

Pleasanville old ladder was rebuilt by Seagrave and is for sale. A buddy up at school was telling me that his FD looked at it and Seagrave was trying to sell it too them for $800,000 (ish)

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