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Croton - Unusual Rescue - 11/19/2010

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Time:1531 hrs

Location: Croton Point Park - Tidal Marsh

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 10

Units Operating: 2081, 2082, Eng 120, TL-44, Rescue 18, 36- M1, 55-B2, Air-2

Weather Conditions: Cool, cloudy

Description Of Incident:

Subject and child stuck in the mud

1533: Dispatch for a person stuck in the mud

1534: Caller reports he is stuck knee to thigh high in the mud (victim is the caller)

1538: 2082 on location investigating -

1539: E120/R18 responding

1540: Updated location, behind the landfill, further towards the train station out on the point

1541: 2081 requesting County PD helicopter to locate victim

1546: Victim requesting Croton drive through the ball field to locate him and walk down the aqueduct trail

1551: Pt can see helicopter (Air -2) and is waving at them

1552: 2 individuals, 1 adult male, one 6 year old child (child not stuck)

1553: Croton FD can see victim, unsure how they are going to get to them

1554: Helicopter going to remove victim from the mud, adult in mud to his waist. Child just above ankles.

1555: EMS stage on the ball field for helicopter to drop victim off

1556: Air-2 made the pick, helicopter on way to the ball field

1558: TL 44 can return to service per 2082

1558: Air-2 offloading victim, situation undercontrol




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