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Walden (Orange) - Industrial Accident w/Medevac - 11-09-10

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Date: 11-09-10

Time: 1728hrs

Location: 30 Coldenham Ave. - "AmPac Paper"

Frequency: 46.16

Units Operating: Walden FD, EMS, PD, LifeNet 75

Weather Conditions: Cool

Description Of Incident: Medevac for Industrial àccident


Writer: BFD1054

1728hrs-Orange 911 dispatching Walden FD; request to set-up an LZ for an inbound Medevac in the parking lot of AmPac Paper, 30 Coldenham Ave. Medevac is for a 22 y/o male whose hand is stuck in a piece of machinery.

1733hrs-Walden FD officer assigned as Walden LZ. Orange 911 advising the Medevac is LifeNet 75 and now has a 15 minute ETA.

1736hrs-Orange 911 advising Walden LZ that LifeNet 75 has a 12 minute ETA & they can be contacted on 46.40

1751hrs-Walden E237 advising Medevac is on the ground.

1806hrs-As per Walden LZ, LifeNet 75 off the ground, en-route to Westchester MC.

1809hrs-Walden Car-4 advising all Walden units are returning to quarters.

Edited by BFD1054

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