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Brooklyn -3rd Alarm 3-23-05

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Time: 1500?

Location: 199 Huron is the original fire building with Exp 2, 2A, and 4 also involved. Cross Street is Manhattan Ave.

City/County: NYC/Brooklyn

Agencies: A whole lotta FDNY

Frequency: 154.430 (citywide)

Writer: CAM502

Description: Ok, this is Box 50. As of 1549hrs it is a Third Alarm. There are 12 Engines, 9 Trucks, 6 Battalions, Division 11, Squad 252, Rescue 4, Tac Support 2, Mask Service 1, Sattalite 6, Safety Batt, Rescue Batt, Field Com and a few others on scene.

1550- Partial collapse of roof in original fire building. 3 TL's in operation. 2 on original building and one on exposure 4. Fire is doubtful.

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