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Facebook Sucks & other stuff

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Well, I didn't want to sully up the Dutchess thread, but I've been wanting to say FACEBOOK SUCKS for a long time. Reading that thread just gave me a reason to say it here.

I'm kinda flabbergasted by some of the comments over there. There are quite a few career guys here who make it a point to NOT bash volunteers. I count myself in that group. I've made friends with guys from both sides of the equation through EMTBravo.

Seth, I think if you want to try and bring members back who may be MIA these days, a good place to start would be to eliminate the "rep scoreboard." I love giving out rep points. I have to say, I have felt very gratified that people respected some things I have had to say or post, and gave me points. But I feel like my position on the "scoreboard" makes people NOT respond to things I post now. KEEP THE REP POINTS. Just do away with the scoreboard. PLEASE. This way we can give a good post a positive boost, and everyone can feel equally respected when that happens.

I know a few very smart and wise firemen and officers who come on here. One is just starting to bring his knowledge to the board. He worked in some of the busiest fire companies in the world, and also served as a volunteer in every rank from fireman to Commissioner. He doesn't distinguish who he is passing his experience and knowledge on to, career or volunteer it doesn't matter. That's the way most of the guys I know with far more experience and knowledge than I will ever have approach the volunteer/career issue. And I have always chosen the same path, just don't tread on us, and we won't on you. It's just a mutual respect thing that's all.

And some volunteers shouldn't be so sensitive when a guy like Chief Flynn starts asking questions. Right away they take it as bashing. It is about trying to see improvement in delivery of service to the people we serve/d. Career guys fight to improve the fire service. Some guys are more "in your face" style than others. But those guys can teach you a lot if you can let your guard down.

In closing I'd like to say once more how much I think Facebook sucks.

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In closing I'd like to say once more how much I think Facebook sucks.

Cap you said it perfectly. I agree 100%.

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Well said Capt..The best way to learn and to stay alive as a firefighter is to always keep your eyes and ears open. Respect folks who have valid experience and take advantage of their knowledge. When I first went on 'the job', an 'oldtimer' who had worked in a very busy ladder company for his entire career (including the 'War Years') told me, "Kid, you never stop learning on this job. There's always something new coming along that can affect us. If you ever reach the point where you feel like you have learned everything you need to learn about the fire service and you know it all; you need to make a decision ... either retire or re-think. If you don't do one or the other, you will either get yourself or your Brothers killed." REMEMBER Brothers / Sisters: none of us will ever know it all. You need to be intelligent enough to take advantage of the knowledge of Firefighters who have been around a while and worked in very active areas where they have amassed good skills / knowledge.

Stay safe ...

Edited by bad box
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It is also time for everyone (career or volunteer) to realize that criticizing dysfunctional systems (not agencies) is not "_______ bashing" especially when it is done constructively and without malice.

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It is also time for everyone (career or volunteer) to realize that criticizing dysfunctional systems (not agencies) is not "_______ bashing" especially when it is done constructively and without malice.

Agreed. But what is truly achieved when it is aired out on a public forum? We all know we have room to improve, but when we specifically call out certain agencies or certain incidents we go against what the original intent of this forum was! When Seth started this forum we could talk tactics and ways to improve things without hating on one agency or a call. Now it's a free for all where everytime a photo is posted, it gets criticized. When an Incident Alert is posted, times are questioned.

If you really want to question something, ask those involved. Airing it out for all to see is a HUGE MISTAKE! People are going to get in trouble, the press is going to print things that are hurtful and non-constructive, and the public is going to think we're all a bunch of cry babies!

Bring back the old where we would praise in public, and insult/question eachother in private!

It's bad enough that morons go on Facebook, Twitter, etc. airing out departmental issues, insulting other departments, etc. We're all suppost to be BROTHERS - grow up and speak to those you have an issue with, don't air out your dirty laundry for everyone to see! I'm tired of seeing guys getting their rocks off by seeing others look bad.

I was one of the original members here, I check it more than once a day and try to always be positive. But over the past couple of months I find myself losing interest. Let's put aside the BS and actually offer constructive criticism without the finger-pointing.

Life is stressful enough, we don't need another avenue of disappointment.

Edited by Remember585

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I did a power point training with another member of my Dept. a few weeks back for one of the companies in my Dept. that lost a lot of senior members the past 5 years or so. They do not have that senior leadership to "crack the whip" so to speak and most of the company is younger and do not "get" the fire service as a whole to this point.

Some of the topics we brought up were if you associate yourself with an organization, like a FD, Paid or Volunteer, all of your actions, right or wrong, reflect back to the organization. From responding to the firehouse with your blue light and driving like an idiot, to wearing FD t-shirts, jackets in public and having your actions embarrass yourself and the FD. ( I once heard it said that firefighters should have a good set of party/drinking clothes...nothing that says FD anywhere on it!)

We discussed a new topic that we never had to worry about 10 years ago, the ramifications of posting on social networks like face book, and how far is to far. Fair or not all the negative stuff you do comes back to the Department, including posting certain things and being part of certain "groups". I would say most Departments do not have a policy in regards to face book or others of this sort, and it is your right to say what you want, but a line must be drawn at some point when your face book page has a large logo of your Department patch, but you are also posting negative statements about the Dept. or fire service in general. And this does not have to be about your own Dept., it can be comments about your neighboring dept.s. Even harmless jokes or an "inside joke" to a friend from another Dept.may be taken the wrong way by others of that same Dept. Stuff like this travels fast, and it's not just the young guys who are taking part in this social network. I have experienced this first hand, and stress to our new members to be very careful what you post.

News people are not stupid, if they get word of something negative about your Dept. they may search out a Dept. roster, most websites list all active members, and search individual members who may have a face book page. If you post the "dirty laundry" for all to see, you have just helped towards more negative publicity towards your dept. Not to mention if what you say is not the truth or "stretch the truth a bit", the news people will run with this and write about it.

It's very hard to enforce the "what goes on in the firehouse, stays in the firehouse" these days. These things could come back to haunt you later in your career as well. firefighters have good memories, a controversy you were part of when you were a rookie and could care less can come back and sabotage you as you try and rise through the ranks one day, both paid and Volunteer. To the young guys out there your proud to show and tell the world who you are and what organization you are part of, but think twice before you hit the "send", "join" or "accept" buttons!

Edited by spin_the_wheel

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I did a power point training with another member of my Dept. a few weeks back for one of the companies in my Dept. that lost a lot of senior members the past 5 years or so. They do not have that senior leadership to "crack the whip" so to speak and most of the company is younger and do not "get" the fire service as a whole to this point.

Some of the topics we brought up were if you associate yourself with an organization, like a FD, Paid or Volunteer, all of your actions, right or wrong, reflect back to the organization. From responding to the firehouse with your blue light and driving like an idiot, to wearing FD t-shirts, jackets in public and having your actions embarrass yourself and the FD. ( I once heard it said that firefighters should have a good set of party/drinking clothes...nothing that says FD anywhere on it!)

We discussed a new topic that we never had to worry about 10 years ago, the ramifications of posting on social networks like face book, and how far is to far. Fair or not all the negative stuff you do comes back to the Department, including posting certain things and being part of certain "groups". I would say most Departments do not have a policy in regards to face book or others of this sort, and it is your right to say what you want, but a line must be drawn at some point when your face book page has a large logo of your Department patch, but you are also posting negative statements about the Dept. or fire service in general. And this does not have to be about your own Dept., it can be comments about your neighboring dept.s. Even harmless jokes or an "inside joke" to a friend from another Dept.may be taken the wrong way by others of that same Dept. Stuff like this travels fast, and it's not just the young guys who are taking part in this social network. I have experienced this first hand, and stress to our new members to be very careful what you post.

News people are not stupid, if they get word of something negative about your Dept. they may search out a Dept. roster, most websites list all active members, and search individual members who may have a face book page. If you post the "dirty laundry" for all to see, you have just helped towards more negative publicity towards your dept. Not to mention if what you say is not the truth or "stretch the truth a bit", the news people will run with this and write about it.

It's very hard to enforce the "what goes on in the firehouse, stays in the firehouse" these days. These things could come back to haunt you later in your career as well. firefighters have good memories, a controversy you were part of when you were a rookie and could care less can come back and sabotage you as you try and rise through the ranks one day, both paid and Volunteer. To the young guys out there your proud to show and tell the world who you are and what organization you are part of, but think twice before you hit the "send", "join" or "accept" buttons!

The last two posts are excellent, thanks guys, you pretty much put things in clear perspective and you are 100% correct, things are clearly not like they used to be, I bet if you asked 3/4 of my members who the first chief was or what year were we chartered they wouldn't have a clue nor do they care.

I will do my part and get back on here and post, hopefully others will as well, I really enjoy all aspects of the site, especially seeing several of the pro-active depts training photos, their thoughts and ideas, we all are here because we love the emergency services.

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Like I said in the other thread, check the egos at the door. I'm taking this from my end of the emergency services spectrum. I don't care how many halls you've crawled down, how many babies you've delivered,or traumatic arrests you've worked, how many high profile collars you've made. I don't care how many big ones you've worked on the radio. I don't care if you're paid, or pride is your paycheck. Be it a rockin truck company in Southern Westchester or a Vollie Trolley doing two runs a week. You're no different than me or anyone else.

We all have a common goal, and that's doing the right thing by our peers, and the people we have a sworn obligation to protect. There's always room to learn, critique, or just show off some pictures from our latest travels. Let's keep that in mind.

Here's my opinion on Facebook. There are some real despicable groups on there, that are much more worthy of the time and effort placed on the anti-Seth G crowd.(F the Troops, anyone??) Like it or not, the people who own these groups have every right to put forth whatever they want to say. We agree, we disagree, we think that person should be taken behind the woodshed, whatever. I have no problem with Facebook, as it has gotten me back in touch with a lot of friends from my childhood, high school years, and my military years. It also got me in touch with my girlfriend, who was a classmate of mine in elementary school nearly 30 years ago.(Although at first she didn't remember me and I had to point to our 4th grade picture to remind her who I was.)

In the little more than two years since I joined, I have been able to see and spend time with people who meant, and mean the world to me. Either in person, or online. I've shared in triumph, tragedy, and flat out silliness. It's not a bad thing, nor at times, is it a good thing. It's what you make it. You can use it like any other website out there, to your advantage. I use it, and this site, and a few other sites to my advantage. Just a little nugget of something to ponder.

Excellent point brought up about how your actions, positive or negative reflect on the department you are a member of. That includes Facebook. I have already seen what complaining about the mess that FDNY Communications has become can do. We had a page which was nothing more than a bitchfest about this that and the other. Things got posted, it got back to downtown, investigations were launched, and people got some stern talking to's and the page disappeared. If any of you have me on your FB Friends list, you know most of my work related posts are just saying I'm off to work, looking for some fun at work(which is in rare supply these days) and, every other Thursday, the famous line from Goodfellas, FU PAY ME!!!! There's a few pictures of me, off duty, and intoxicated, but hey, I'm 36 years old and I am allowed to drink. It all boils down to using common sense. What would you want your family or friends to see?? Secondly, do you want to put something up there that is going to bring discredit upon you, or the Department you serve?? Spin from Elmont makes a great point, people in this job have looooooooong memories. There's crap that I did when I was a probie, and a dispatcher, and a supervisor that has not been forgotten. One Aw poop will wipe out any Atta Boy's you've had.

Edited by JBE

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Like I said in the other thread, check the egos at the door. I'm taking this from my end of the emergency services spectrum. I don't care how many halls you've crawled down, how many babies you've delivered,or traumatic arrests you've worked, how many high profile collars you've made. I don't care how many big ones you've worked on the radio. I don't care if you're paid, or pride is your paycheck. Be it a rockin truck company in Southern Westchester or a Vollie Trolley doing two runs a week. You're no different than me or anyone else.

We all have a common goal, and that's doing the right thing by our peers, and the people we have a sworn obligation to protect. There's always room to learn, critique, or just show off some pictures from our latest travels. Let's keep that in mind.

Here's my opinion on Facebook. There are some real despicable groups on there, that are much more worthy of the time and effort placed on the anti-Seth G crowd.(F the Troops, anyone??) Like it or not, the people who own these groups have every right to put forth whatever they want to say. We agree, we disagree, we think that person should be taken behind the woodshed, whatever. I have no problem with Facebook, as it has gotten me back in touch with a lot of friends from my childhood, high school years, and my military years. It also got me in touch with my girlfriend, who was a classmate of mine in elementary school nearly 30 years ago.(Although at first she didn't remember me and I had to point to our 4th grade picture to remind her who I was.)

In the little more than two years since I joined, I have been able to see and spend time with people who meant, and mean the world to me. I've shared in triumph, tragedy, and flat out silliness. It's not a bad thing, nor at times, is it a good thing. It's what you make it. You can use it like any other website out there, to your advantage. I use it, and this site, and a few other sites to my advantage. Just a little nugget of something to ponder.

Well Said!

Your 100% right about Facebook its just another tool in life its not the website that is the problem its the people that use it that go overboard and do not controll what is put on there.

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Facebook has many redeeming qualities, people can reconnect with each other after a long absence, or stay in touch with status updates, or organize class reunions, post photos and such. Depends on your preferences.

Facebook can also get you into serious trouble with your bosses, as a Bourne, MA. Firefighter is finding out:

This guy is about to be disciplined, maybe even canned over remarks he made online.


It turns out you can't just post whatever you feel like, and blindly expect the first amendment to protect you. Same goes for joining online hate groups and other seemingly innocuous individual behaviors. What you may think is only a joke, could have unwanted ramifications.

Depending on your employer's expectations of you, your responsibilities, including character, be it on or off the job, everything you do can reflect either positively or negatively and could have an impact on your work relationship.

If you post it, it will be read, and it could get you in hot water!

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Facebook is ok. Maybe it's the monday morning quarterbacking that needs to end. (ya i know that will never happen) People air there issue out and comment on how THEY would have done it. But THEY were most likely in bed or at home watching TV at the time. If you were not there you don't know what happened. And "I talked to a guy who was there.." is not gonna help you either. I do agree that more forums, including this one, have slipped from what they should be. There is a lot of guys flapping there gums and not enough exchanging useful information. The Incident Updates have become the most useful info on here. As a parting though remember that a lot of the facebook issue comes from these kids who shoot their mouths off about stuff and post info online. They are whats killing us on facebook. Most of the guys in my firehouse don't even have facebook accounts and a few don't even own computers.

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Got off facebook 10/09. Never re-activated my account. Best thing I ever did, and I am 22 years old in college. everyone thinks I am nuts but I dont miss it one bit. Maybe in time to come, far down the road when I want to reconnect with people, I will return. But for now, I dont need it. Plus, I already spend too much time on this website as it is!:lol:

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There is a lot of guys flapping there gums and not enough exchanging useful information. The Incident Updates have become the most useful info on here.

Well that wouldn't be you with your 20 posts in two years. Thanks for the positive reinforcement towards the effort the rest of us who don't write IA's but try and contribute something helpful for the board and the membership. We certainly do appreciate your positive feedback! And I agree, we have some great IA writers. But to criticize guys, lump everyone in as a bunch of gum flappers? :lol:

What's up with that?

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Well that wouldn't be you with your 20 posts in two years. Thanks for the positive reinforcement towards the effort the rest of us who don't write IA's but try and contribute something helpful for the board and the membership. We certainly do appreciate your positive feedback! And I agree, we have some great IA writers. But to criticize guys, lump everyone in as a bunch of gum flappers? :lol:

What's up with that?

Haha ya I have been off for a while. I do enjoy the posts but a good number seem to just degrade into pissing matches. The ones flapping their gum's most likely are not dropping useful info. I will give a shout out to alsfirefighter, Remember585, Chief Flynn and Capt Benz, as well as yourself. These guys do add their wealth of knowledge to the site. I have read their posts many times and they ALWAYS have a great attitude and something positive to contribute.

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Haha ya I have been off for a while. I do enjoy the posts but a good number seem to just degrade into pissing matches. The ones flapping their gum's most likely are not dropping useful info. I will give a shout out to alsfirefighter, Remember585, Chief Flynn and Capt Benz, as well as yourself. These guys do add their wealth of knowledge to the site. I have read their posts many times and they ALWAYS have a great attitude and something positive to contribute.

Alright you got 21, that's Blackjack so the house will pay you. I agree really. There's only a couple of guys that I've seen giving back positive feedback lately. They would be:

16fire5, trauma74, Remember585, 7586, bvfdjc316, bigrig77, MLM39BR, Devon Foulke, TRUCK6018, MRK303, fd75, ytowndk148, mllax14, TCD0415, WAS967, T-34, TheBuff376, jrm31333, Bronxtech, pfdfirefighter01, cpc, 57truck, Stench60, shipwright, tdc202, Bnechis, OnTheWheel, pv102, FDVA356, EX2354, beavis, Raz, Medic137, truck45, thebreeze, firemoose827, CJAFD41, justanothermedic, 37FD, ariesff, M' Ave, DFD378, post4031, bfd34138, paramedic441, DaRock98, Truck4, Dudley, robert benz, effd3918, skme318, GFD33, PEMO3, CFFD117, EMT1094, BillyBlazes, Reliance, Plectron, calhobs, AJU, jack10562, E1E2TL3, ffd60, NurseMedic, firebuff860, crk830, efermann, rwalshytown, EJS1810, tjd1012, FFFORD, ATIFD, Newtofire, collegebuff, JBE, YFD216, philmoore, Bmf112, fire2141, Fred, mvfire8989, FireMedic5315, TD55, markmets415, Fireman488, ace84, E-170, fireman3484, cbfire25, jfmuller, FFLieu, x134, SSFD-NY, rickperry99, joshlost818, GFD70, 2627, NoWestFF, helicopper, CHIEFPHIL, jp, tunaFish, oper8er758, RescueKujo, AMISHFF, LCFD968, bad box, potws92, tark2817, TR54, fireguy43, mso1003, Bugler83, X2321, JAD622, 48, roeems87, glide82, obrien3044, nswoody, DCJPells, sklov5949, Deputy Chief Doug, DMA327, ComputerGuy, nwpfdjr27, firebuff08, fireandbikes, citystation1848, xfirefighter484x, x1243, kvfd306, aviator70, davidemt, gss131, 10-90x, INIT915, Danger, ECAFD3, eric12401, gamewell45, bull56, CLM92982, ENG47INE, x635, xDL2, PVFD113, Atv300, firefighter1133, ltx17, rushed, uvfd67, CFD048, badge207, explorer10538, Porsha911gt3, eike1701, FFBlaser, DerekGrisantiYHFD, KEY11, EFFD4091-MLSS emt, Ging599, MJP399, R40-88, spin_the_wheel, antiquefirelt, DFD801, mstrang1, tdt560, OoO, feraldan, SIGNMAN, RJB896, sr71, SPM33, prucha25, chiefhac, pfdff, RocklandFires, 20effd37, cbryson, job111, FiftyOnePride, PoqFFEMT, HFD219, knet22553, thehammer, ENG58#32, babhits16, 210, Turborich, TJK183, Howard Peiffer, pkt1268, nhfd241, FDNYDCHI, ichie 3120, medic25, mfvfd, longtrail106, Nancyk, Doc, dadbo46, pvl8, reme343mber, JFLYNN, T. John, Arrowxt, HFD201, Lucky-Truckie, fireguy30, MH0109, firefighter111, KEE879, FFEMT150, JScott128, eagle5473, batt2, NHFD21255, SEC92, FirefighterJr, ENG158INE, Brenman1988, HFD23, knronald, Brendan, JetPhoto, sfrd18, Dexreyn, Billy, firefighter-70, JM15, mehtas, tfdlt165, nfd2004, erfd324, badge65, hfd45_engineer, captn54, eng41hurst, 3019, Firediver, xd0rkface, kfire94, 99subi, 2209, nycemt728, highwaybuff, AFD-PM, john15, Cutty630, firedude, NJMedic, 298, CPAGE, FF398, waful, Howitser, Mark Z, chris 31, mikerabbit, EX47COP, Haroldtugbuff, 1hook, Kevin-L, turk182, yanks4ever1320, dougeng41, BFD1054, engine845, eddie295, SteveOFD, Rescue85, 38ff, Roof798, Anesti, Mofire24, IzzyEng4, johnydb., huzzie59, 338, PHIL78, Dawson, ny10570, Goose, dmc2007, Bully121, mbendel36, 131PFD, HFD45208, sfd263, NOZ45ZLE, ajsbear, grumpyff, 31-C1, BFarr156, Alpinerunner, RH31379, Hap602, lalautze, 1075thebox, ACHIEF2643, ryang, DonMoose, smang, dashield, fletcherec, firemn23, notlim650, 23piraf, mdm911, Mac8146, ffper5112, MUDMEDIC, HFD750, GoDucks23, DOM626, TrooperMedic, fireguy5, BREW245A, gruber166, nycemt326, Ladder44, JP59, LTNRFD, gr8z2869, WstPrideEng92, jd783, x152, Pudge3311, ENGINE180, Piranha174, jps385, stixx, 31TruckiePCFD, Ex-2114, fac911, EMSJunkie712, aacofd40, mlcougar2001, BedfordFire, EHMCMedic, cg153, crime cop, crime cop, x129K, jaxson624, yfd134, NRFDL13, PFDRes47cue, KML607, marc, E112, lhfdvolly, mfc2257, abaduck, HFD89, LFD171, 20y2, bronxfireradio, Changeling, smooth-effects, 42121FD, DR104, Tom1739

What the heck, we all have our favorites brother. :blink:

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I must admit I just as much a Facebook Wacker as a Bravo wacker. I dont even think about it becuase they dont and shouldnt mix. Facebook is for friend connections and letting the rest of the world know what, where, when, and why. Although there is a lot going on right now and I use it to keep updating family. Bravo is for exactly what it says. "Your knowledge helping others". Fire, EMS, and Rescue Buffs. Its the little people who mix them up.

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So who's gonna be the straw that stirs the drink??

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I gotta say I think Facebook is degrading the firehouse and probably the nation in general. Suddenly everyone has to know everyone's business and still even more feed the need by ridiculously posting, tweeting, twitting or whatever they call it, every little thing they do. Now the minute something happens int he firehouse, every firefighter and his wife, girlfriend and their friends are discussing it on the web. It is a very difficult medium to police as sadly some people do need a little policing when it comes to what should be publicized and what shouldn't. I've seen guys nearly ready to throw down over stupid comments their GF's or in one case, mother made. How absolutely childish and embarrassing. Grown men chatting like school girls. I believe that I am one of only two members of my FD that are not on FB. Maybe more to come, as we've seen at least a few relationships end due to FB.

As an information medium, Facebook is fast and easy, but far too many negatives exist. maybe I'm showing my age, but I generally am not so resistant to change when it happens at a manageable rate, but the internet, texting and Droids are developing issues faster than we can figure them out in a reasonable manner.

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Sounds like we all are worried what happens in the firehouse gets put on facebook. If we are so worried that something bad that happens at the fire house lands there, well maybe you have a bigger problem in your firehouse that you should be watching and takeing care of.

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I’m not so sure facebook’s just a firehouse problem. There an addictive quality to the instantaneous posting/sharing of information about yourself/others. Society (the media, etc) has become more reliant on instant updates and facebook, twitter, etc. all feed right into that. Look near the bottom of this web page, and there's little buttons to let any one of us share this topic with others through a variety of feeds (twitter, facebook, digg, etc). It's not isolated to this site or fire-related sites. Just about any on-line news source provides these same options.

I teach in a high school and it’s obvious that students are nuts about facebook. I also see students regularly getting upset about what someone else posted, etc. Outside of school, I know a couple in the middle of a divorce and one of their issues is one person’s inability to stay off facebook.

My opinion is that people are more likely to post something on facebook that they would never say face-to-face about (or to) someone. Ironic since it’s called “face”book.

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Sounds like we all are worried what happens in the firehouse gets put on facebook. If we are so worried that something bad that happens at the fire house lands there, well maybe you have a bigger problem in your firehouse that you should be watching and takeing care of.

My issue has nothing to do with what happens in the firehouse. My dept. has actual leaders and followers, and rules and policies with discipline and consequences. Subsequently, most of our personnel remain completely professional most of the time. But not everything can be as black and white, such is the case with Facebook and other social media websites.

First, it's more to do with petty BS becoming and issue between personnel. The computer/texting/FB do not show emotions well. It's hard to tell when your getting you balls busted or someone's truly slamming you. It's also far easier for people to "say" what they think in a non-confrontational manner, then realize later that it may cause confrontation.

Second, there has been a plethora of media recently about firefighters/EMS personnel posting inappropriate things on FB and Youtube. Such as video of a fatal accident with graphic details, etc. Not only must administrations worry about HIPAA but also what we used to call morale responsibility. just because it's technically "legal" doesn't make it right. Posting pictures from an accident may not violate specific laws, but it violates the publics trust. We cannot afford to lose any more public support in these economic times. Not to mention just doing the right thing and being stand up people.

My third issue is the lack of camaraderie and a sense of "family" within the firehouse. In years passed, we watched TV, played cards, BSed and generally spent time as a group. Now everyone is off in their corner, texting away, talking on the phone or otherwise being a complete individual. This lack of a bond will erode the firehouse until we're just another group of employees. Gone are the days when this was a calling.

And last for now, is the silly thought that everyone must know everything about what everyone is doing. We used to call people who wanted to know all this stuff "busy body's" or "nosy", now it's mainstream to post that you had to double flush. Get over yourself, the people that really want or need to know already had plenty of mediums to keep track of your goings on.

This is just my opinion, you can't have it, it's mine and I don't care if you agree. I also won't be disappointed if you disagree, I'm a big boy now. ;)


Edited by antiquefirelt
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My issue has nothing to do with what happens in the firehouse. My dept. has actual leaders and followers, and rules and policies with discipline and consequences. Subsequently, most of our personnel remain completely professional most of the time. But not everything can be as black and white, such is the case with Facebook and other social media websites.

First, it's more to do with petty BS becoming and issue between personnel. The computer/texting/FB do not show emotions well. It's hard to tell when your getting you balls busted or someone's truly slamming you. It's also far easier for people to "say" what they think in a non-confrontational manner, then realize later that it may cause confrontation.

Second, there has been a plethora of media recently about firefighters/EMS personnel posting inappropriate things on FB and Youtube. Such as video of a fatal accident with graphic details, etc. Not only must administrations worry about HIPAA but also what we used to call morale responsibility. just because it's technically "legal" doesn't make it right. Posting pictures from an accident may not violate specific laws, but it violates the publics trust. We cannot afford to lose any more public support in these economic times. Not to mention just doing the right thing and being stand up people.

My third issue is the lack of camaraderie and a sense of "family" within the firehouse. In years passed, we watched TV, played cards, BSed and generally spent time as a group. Now everyone is off in their corner, texting away, talking on the phone or otherwise being a complete individual. This lack of a bond will erode the firehouse until we're just another group of employees. Gone are the days when this was a calling.

And last for now, is the silly thought that everyone must know everything about what everyone is doing. We used to call people who wanted to know all this stuff "busy body's" or "nosy", now it's mainstream to post that you had to double flush. Get over yourself, the people that really want or need to know already had plenty of mediums to keep track of your goings on.

This is just my opinion, you can't have it, it's mine and I don't care if you agree. I also won't be disappointed if you disagree, I'm a big boy now. ;)


Excellent post Chief. I've had a change of heart though. IMHO now Facebook REALLY SUCKS.

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Excellent post Chief. I've had a change of heart though. IMHO now Facebook REALLY SUCKS.

True enough. While a bunch of guys at work said,"It'll just be a matter of time before you register for FB", my opinion has only become more critical with each passing day. I guess maybe some people hate to feel like they're missing out on something by not hearing or reading stuff first, but I've got plenty of other stuff to concern me, that knowing all our members current relationship status doesn't matter to me. Not that I'm out of the loop long, as what was on FB last night is usually the first conversation of the day at the dayroom table every morning.

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I thought I would put this thread back in play after finding an interesting/humerous blog today about Facebook.

Is Facebook making us crazy, or is it just bringing the crazies out into the open? It’s something I’ve been pondering quite a bit lately, as more and more headlines contain stories of ridiculous things people do all in the name of “Facebook”.

Take, for instance, the woman who drove over her cousin—twice—all because some guy accepted her cousin’s friend request and denied hers. A heated argument turned into a fit of jealous rage—the pedal hit the medal on the minivan, and these women’s lives will never be the same.

Or how about this story of a Michigan woman who caused a fatal car accident, all because of a fight she was having on Facebook? Apparently two women were driving and fighting on Facebook chat about the affections of a man in prison. One woman spotted the other, and proceeded to ram her car.

Even politicians are getting in on the act. A North Carolina mayor posted a Facebook status message saying “F-you” to the Arizona shooter. Maybe something we were all thinking, but should a mayor be posting that to his Facebook wall, from a profile he uses for business?

On the opposite side of the spectrum, a girlfriend recently helped cops locate and arrest her man by listing her current city on the social network.

And it’s effecting our youth. Tween-aged girls started an “Attack a Teacher Day” on Facebook, making threats against specific educators. They were slapped with misdemeanor charges and booked at juvenile hall.

There are even some heartbreaking stories about a mother who killed her baby because she wanted to play Farmville, and another who’s baby drowned while she played Cafe World in another room.

Really? Is this America? Is it our own fault, or can we blame Mark Zuckerberg’s pride and joy?

I had almost given up all hope when I read a story about a disabled man who used the chat room on a Facebook page to, essentially, save his life. A toaster pastry had gotten stuck in the toaster while his wife was away, and he was unable to leave the house or reach his cell phone on his own. He was playing a game on Facebook, though, and typed “help me” in the chat room. Two women called 911 for him, and firefighters were able to reach him in time.

Leave it to Facebook. You drive us crazy, and then you do something like this that warms our heart and keeps us coming back for more.

These Facebook related incidents are incredible! You have got to be kidding me...

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