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Heroic jakes save residents in blaze

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Heroic Lowell firefighters pulled numerous terrified residents from a burning apartment building yesterday amid heavy smoke and flames, in a fast-moving early morning inferno that left two dead and another critically injured, officials said.

“People were screaming, ‘Help, help’ and threatening to jump,” said Lowell Fire Capt. Brett Dowling, recalling the terrified cries that greeted jakes when he and his men arrived. “It was very chaotic.”

As fire ripped through the four-story building, crews from Lowell and surrounding cities and towns quickly converged on the engulfed apartment house, putting up ladders around the building, and assisting frightened residents - most dressed only in pajamas - down into the frosty night.

Edited by efdcapt115

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LOWELL -- They said it was the worst fire they had ever fought.

Four firefighters seen trying to rescue a man from a fourth-floor balcony in dramatic video footage at a fire early Sunday morning on Bridge Street recalled the intense moments in an interview yesterday afternoon.

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Referring back to that fatal fire in Lowell, Massachusetts, on Sunday morning, I have just learned that three of the first-alarm companies for that box were inactive because of “brown-outs.” Engine 4, Ladder 4 and the Rescue squad were that day’s selection for Lowell’s firehouse roulette.

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A very good friend of mine is a Lt. on the job in Lowell, Mass. I called him up yesterday to see if he made this job and it turns out that he's one of the guys on that fire escape. He's a little beat up physically and mentally over not being able to get the guy out of the window. His company was assigned as the RIT Engine, and was put to work by their Deputy. He said they broke their asses, literally trying to get that victim out of the room before they had to retreat due to the fire burning through the bedroom door, and it getting really Shi##y in the room. He said the victim was around 300 lbs and already in respiratory arrest when they got to him. His driver is the one in the video hanging in the window with fire blowing out it, and trying to grab the victims arms. These guys were faced with a pretty heavy fire condition, and in my opinion did a fantastic job!!!! He also mentioned that the jumper doesn't look like he's gonna make it either.

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Some incredible video. Looks like those guys on the ladder were also taking a beating from that straight stream.

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Some incredible video. Looks like those guys on the ladder were also taking a beating from that straight stream.

I was thinking the guys on the ladder either came down and hugged the nozzle crew or knocked them out! Excellent work under terrible conditions. Anyone else read anymore about the brownouts and whether the first due companies would have been there sooner?

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Amazing videos. Thanks for posting. Job well done in some really tough conditions.

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Great saves and great video. However, I can't figure out what a jake is. I guess I'm a bad buff. It was referenced in the first posted article initially but it looks like they changed it. Maybe because no one knows what a jake is, haha.

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Great saves and great video. However, I can't figure out what a jake is. I guess I'm a bad buff. It was referenced in the first posted article initially but it looks like they changed it. Maybe because no one knows what a jake is, haha.

A Jake is a New England, specifically Mass. term for a firefighter. Comes from the tool "J-Key" which was used in the Greater Boston area to communicate with HQ at automatic alarms around the turn of the century to WWII.

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A Jake is a New England, specifically Mass. term for a firefighter. Comes from the tool "J-Key" which was used in the Greater Boston area to communicate with HQ at automatic alarms around the turn of the century to WWII.

Wow, you get a point for pulling that one out of your J-Key box.

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This video should be shown at the confrence of mayors this year

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Wow, you get a point for pulling that one out of your J-Key box.

I can't help it, living in Vermont with all of these Massholes you pick up a thing or two...

Regarding the handline on the members on the ledge, while I have never been in a situation like this, if I was thinking clearly I do not think I would have spent as much time directly blasting the members with the water stream and more time cooling down and wetting all of the areas around the members and the aerial. I would have used the high specific heat of water too absorb the radiant heat from the fire off of the members and on to the water. It looked like the members were taking a real beating from the heat and the handline but it have been just as bad if they lost their balance from the water hitting them then if they got too hot and jumped. It really is a tough call but I think I would have blasted the building and the eves to cool them down then the members themselves, but please someone correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by bvfdjc316

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Another overlooked note to this story, from Lowell is:

Ladder-4, Engine-4 and Rescue-1 were all shut down the night tour of the fire, half of the normal first alarm assignment.

I'm willing to bet the Fellas could'a used the "extra" hands.............!!!!!!

More links to Fire, scroll down a few....

Edited by R1SmokeEater
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Union rings alarm about city closing fire stations

By Jennifer Myers,

Updated: 10/13/2010 09:01:23 AM EDT

LOWELL -- Lowell Fire Department Lt. David Keene last night called for the end of the budget-saving practice of closing city fire stations on a rotating basis in light of the deadly fire that destroyed a Bridge Street apartment building early Sunday morning.

Lowell firefighters rescued nine people from the inferno that claimed the lives of two residents and injured two firefighters, a feat Keene, the president of the firefighters union, said is even more impressive given that there were nine fewer firefighters on duty than there would have been had three companies not been closed at the time of the fire.

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