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Firefighters find time capsule in station

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Firefighters find time capsule in station near Lake Worth weeks before it's demolished

October 08, 2010|By Alexia Campbell, Sun Sentinel

WEST LAKE WORTH — A time capsule hidden in the wall of a 45-year-old fire station brought back memories of bingo nights firefighters hosted to pay the fire house bills.

Fire crews at county Station 31 on Lake Worth Road sawed open the copper box Friday, days before theplanned demolition of the building.

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And learn that their current department SOP is the same as it was when a copy was put into the time capsule 45 years ago. :P

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"And one old timer reportedly was overheard saying, "So that's where I put my f*ing keys..."


I don't know of a time capsule in our firehouses, but it would be cool to dig up some old archives.

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................ Ah so there is where the "Black Ball set went too................" :lol:

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So you mean they finally cleaned out the drawers and the closet in the radio room as well as the closet on the truck floor behind the rig next to the cabinet before the locker on the other side of the racks adjacent to the soda machine, got it...

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