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Potsdam (St. Lawrence) - Working Fire 9-20-2010

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Date: 9/20/2010

Time: 23:54

Location: 29 Lawrence Ave.

Frequency: St. Lawrence Central Dispatch

Units Operating: Potsdam FD 36-1, 36-2, 36-3, 36-4, E49, 48, 80, TL5, R14, 30; West Stockholm FD, West Stockholm Fire Police, Hannawa Falls FD, West Potsdam FD (In Potsdam FD HQ); Potsdam Rescue Squad; Potsdam PD; National Grid; others...

Weather Conditions: Cool, clear

Description Of Incident: Fire started on porch. House was well involved upon arrival of E49 and first on scene personnel. Aggressive interior attack made from front and rear of house.

Reporters/Writer: PFDRes47cue (O/S)

23:54: Potsdam FD toned out for porch fire.

23:55: Potsdam FD re-toned for fully involved working structure fire.

Link to article:


Google Maps:,0.022895&z=16

Incident photo thread:


Edited by PFDRes47cue

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