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San Bruno, CA- Major Explosion/Fire 09-09-10

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Date: 09-09-10

Time: 1815hrs (Pacific)/ 2110hrs (Eastern)

Location: Earl Ave X Sneath Lane/Glenview Drive (point of origin of explosion). Location is near San Bruno Station 51

Departments: Numerous

Description: Large explosion of a high pressure gas main and fire in a residential neighborhood with approx. (20-30) private dwellings involved in fire. M/A ARFF units from SFO Airport and strike teams from CalFire, San Francisco City, Almeida County, San Mateo County.

Writer: Truck4


2115hrs- Large explosion and fireball reported in Station 51 area.

2117hrs- Multiple alarms struck, M/A req. from San Mateo County, Daly City, South San Francisco FD's.

2150hrs- SFO Airport as closed as result of unconfirmed report of aircraft crash.

2209hrs (East.)- M/A (2) additional Strike Teams. San Mateo Fire reportedly dispatched up to an 11th Alarm. Local media reporting MCI declared at scene and at Mills Peninsula Hospital

2218hrs- Numerous calls for entrapment at several locations. SFO reports all aircraft accounted for.

2229hrs- CalFire overhead reporting bulk of fire on Earl, Claremont and Windsor. At least (20) homes involved.

2230hrs- Rpts that explosion involed a 24-inch gas main.

2300hrs (East.)- Aviation units/CalFire rpts ATT approx. 25-30 structures involved with 10-20 acres of brush. Air assests making final drops of the night. Will operated as long as safe.

2307hrs- Unified Command Post at top of San Bruno Ave. Evacuations needed at Fairmont X Concord, 'North Branch' of incident. IC req. (3) Engines to North Branch with drafitng capabilites to meet CalFire tankers and (3) Engines, manpower only, to South Branch.

2311hrs- B-5 rpts San Bruno and CalFire Strike Teams at end of Earl working hoselines from west to east behind the houses. Area designated Division Zulu, CalFre with Type 3 Strike Teams on South side of Earl.

2315hrs- Additional San Francisco and (2) Alemeida Strike Teams enroute to San Bruno.

2325hrs- Alemieda Strike Team in staging awaiting assignments. Reports of looters in Charleston X Trenton.

2331hrs- Report to IC of a dwelling fire on Earl X Grandview with entrapment.

2332hrs- EMS branch rpts total of (7) victims transported ATT, no reported fatalities. Morgue set up at EMS South- San Bruno Ave X Skyline Blvd. Also have (1) Life Flight copter on the ground standing-by.

2333hrs- CalFire req. (10) Additional Water Tenders to staging. Staging Manager rpts (1) Water Tender available in staging, req. to respond to South Branch IC.

2340hrs- San Fran Staging (El Camino X Sneath) Manager rpts ATT in staging is ALCO (Alemeida County) Strike Team 2001A, 2002A; San Francisco City Hose Tender 22, Fuel Tender.

2341hrs- Strike Team requested to Concord X Fairmont (North Branch) for (4) fully-involved dwellings, CMD on scene rpts stop can be made at this location. Still waiting for the requested (5) Engines with drafting capabilities.

2346hrs- Unit on Fairmont X Concord rpts exposure probems on east side of the street, req. Strike Team. IC req. now a total of (10) Engines to North Branch. Staging Manager rpts Strike Team 9140A enroute from Staging. IC req. additional Strike Team to expedite to Staging.

**Two Staging Areas ATT for incoming units.**

2350hrs- (1) confirmed fatality on Concord at Fairmont.

2353hrs- East Branch reporting no exposure problems in area ATT. San Francisco Water Dept. has (2) 4,000 gallon water tenders if needed. Staging reports Alemeida County Strike Teams 2001A and 2002A to North Branch, 1150 Fairmont Drive, just south of Plymouth.

2356hrs- CalFire Air Recon rpts winds are still pushing fire. Main gas line is darkening down. Numerous secondary gas lines burning in streets. Rpts direct fire supression and exposure protection underway. CalFire rpts (5) Type 3 Strike Teams in operation, (2) additional CalFire Teams req. to Staging.

0002hrs- Wildland Branch rpts making progress on wildland fire. Operating with CalFire Strike Team 9160C, Strike Team with E-1663, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1768, 1769, 1771, 317.

0005hrs- IC rpts no water tenders in Staging. Req. at least (2) Water Tenders to Staging.

0008hrs- Rpts of a 2nd fatality on the street at 1670 Claremont.

0009hrs- Gas Co. rpts main line was shut down with residual gas in the line.

0011hrs- (2) Engines and (1) Chief now on location at Fairmont X Concord with a water supply.

0014hrs- North Branch rpts (1) Type 1 Strike Team on Concord going into quick attacks on homes. (1) Type 3 Strike team on Claremont X Concord working on fire in the ravine. CalFire Type 3 Strike Team 1771 also assigned to North Branch.

0015hrs- CalFire req. Strike Team 9150C to Wildland Staging.

0017hrs- All branches advised to assume all power lines are hot, no confirmation of power off ATT.

0022hrs- Wildland Branch req. (1) Water Tender from Staging to Earl X Glenview.

0025hrs- North Branch rpts (3) Strike Teams with a water shuttle operating- have fire K/D on northbound Fairmount, now operating on Concord Ave.

0027hrs- Wildland Branch rpts additional DOA in the street, unknown if already reported. B-18 moving to North Branch. CalFire 9160C is now operating on Fairmount.

0033hrs- B-17 on Concord Way rpts a number of 'freelance firefighters' at scene that need to be removed.

0039hrs- Req. Coroner to Concord X Fairmont for DOA.

0044hrs- South Branch reports no injuries or fatalities to report ATT. CMD rpts (2) active structure fires in South Branch ATT, (1) a total loss. Companies attacking fire in homes along the canyon. No further units needed ATT.

0051hrs- North Branch rpts additional DOA in front of 1650 Claremont

0100hrs- Mills Peninsula Hospital rpts (10) patients, San Francisco General Hospital treating (5)-(1) critical, Kaiser Hospital treating (15) patients, Seaton Medical Center treating (3) for a total of (33).

0109hrs- North Branch rpts fire stopped on northbound on Fairmont, eastbound on Concord. Several spot fires from gas lines still burning in homes that were lost. SFO Crash Truck is available at scene and responding to staging for use when better access is gained.

0120hrs- Heaviest fire is K/D. Still numerous pockets of fire in all Branches. IC coordinating with the gas company to begin shut off of individual residential gas lines.

0130hrs- OEM rpts (53) homes destroyed, (120) damaged ATT.

0700hrs- (67) Companies have been assigned to incident. (30) Companies will be requested for relief on the next phase of operations.


0900hrs Pacific/1200hrs Eastern

-San Bruno Fire has corrected OEM's reports: (38) Homes destroyed, (7) Significant damage, (160) with moderate to light damage.

(4) Dead, (52) Injured


2200hrs- Now confirmed (7) Dead, (6) Missing. Crews working with cadaver dogs are recovering human remains in burned structures.

JFLYNN and eric12401 like this

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