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Nurses fear even more ER assaults as programs cut

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Nurses fear even more ER assaults as programs cut

By JULIE CARR SMYTH, Associated Press Writer – Tue Aug 10, 2:47 pm ET

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Emergency room nurse Erin Riley suffered bruises, scratches and a chipped tooth last year from trying to pull the clamped jaws of a psychotic patient off the hand of a doctor at a suburban Cleveland hospital.

A second assault just months later was even more upsetting: She had just finished cutting the shirt off a drunken patient and was helping him into his hospital gown when he groped her.

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I feel bad for nurses lots of the time. they along with everyone involved on a medical team especially in the ER has to deal with a lot of BS from patients especially when they are under the influence/psych/whatever. not to mention the fact that this one in particular now has an increased risk of being exposed to infectious viruses/bacteria/etc. Its a problem shared by lots all over everyday. Cuts to ERs will definitely not help. this case reminds me of the time I observed a patient assault (push) two female nurses pretty violently and tried to make an exit. the security officer (not to insult him) was on the small side and didnt want to make an attempt at stopping the man who was bigger/stronger than him. so my partner and I tackled the man until more security/police arrived. ;)

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One of the ER nurses I work with recently filed assault charges against a psych/intox patient who spit at/hit her. I believe they are currently serving jail time. As someone who has dealt with combative patients myself, it takes a LOT of restraint to not fight back. At least the law is on our side and has pretty stiff penalties for assaulting EMS and hospital staff.

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