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FDNY bans green berets in St. Paddy's Day parade

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Am I the only one who thinks that the FDNY brass picked the wrong time and place to lay down the law. The St Patricks Day Parade. With morale at it's lowest point and pay at an embarassing level don't you think they should be more focused on other things, like why their members have to jump out of fifth floor windows. If you have to tighten things up there are other ways to do it.

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Its absolutley ridiculous. Maybe instead of protesting not marching the members , all of them, should march and wear there green berets anyways. Whats he going to do suspend over a thousand members at the same time.

Maybe another thing that can be done to show support is any fire department or emergency service that is marching have all of there members where a green beret, maybe this will show the Commissioner what an idiot he really is. With all the other issues out there this is just stupid in my opinion

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This directive was not made by the Commish. It was made by the COD.

In a memo issued by Union President Cassidy, there is an organized protest of the parade taking place being held by the Bronx union members. ALL union members are being asked to muster at a designated place out of uniform and wearing a berret.

Many other department members are joining for the protest.

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i think that the bann is a horrible thing

why did they diside to do this now? [-X [-X [-X ](*,)

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Instead of worrying about the members of the FDNY wearing green berets the person who made this choice should be worrying about giving the members of FDNY some green-in other words a CONTRACT! THE REAL GREEN THAT THEY ALL DESERVE.

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