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Montrose Structure Fire 12/18/09

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I received a PM from LisaMK, informing me that she is the homeowner of the home that burned last December:

I am writing in response to your 12/27/09 post. My husband and I own the home that burned down that night. We'd like to make it perfectly clear that our frustrations were not with the fire dept members, only with the situation. We know that these volunteers did everything they could to save our home. Many of them are our friends and we appreciate everything they did that night. Our home was FULLY equipped with hard wired smoke detectors. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the fire (up the chimney chase and through the attic) they did not go off until the fire had dropped down from the attic and into the second floor (after we had already vacated the house). Had it not been for our 12 year old son, who saw a glow outside, we may have had a very different scenario. I wanted to respond to the posts, but the thread has already been closed.

I think she sent it to me, because I had questioned if there was a smoke detection system in the structure.

Thanks LisaMK, I'm sure the Montrose firefighters wil appreciate what you have to say.

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