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Brooklyn - 4th Alarm - 7/1/10

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Date: 7/1/10

Time: 18:20 hours

Location: Evergreen Ave x Chauncey St

Frequency: FDNY Brooklyn

Weather Conditions: clear

Description Of Incident: heavy fire on arrival in a large warehouse/factory with partial collapse, extension to exposure 2, and multiple resulting brush fires.

Reporters/Writer: ryang

Additional Info:

Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, 7/1/10

Address: 747 Evergreen Ave @ Chauncey St

Extension to: 754 Chauncey St

Box 816

Squad 252, Engs 233, 222

L176, T175

Battalion 37

10-75-816 - 18:21 hours

L176: 10-75, we have heavy fire in a factory, advise the Battalion to request a tower ladder to the scene.


TL135 S/C

TL111 (FAST Truck)

Battalion 44

Rescue 2

Squad 1

Division 15

CIDS for 747 Evergreen Ave:

Commercial 2 story 100x200 irregular factory. Interconnected with 754 Chauncey St (200x100) and 756 Chauncey St (100x100). All have concrete roofs. Deck propane stores on exposure 3 side.

18:23 hours

L176: Have the Tower Ladder come down Pilling St.

18:23 hours

TL120 available replacing TL135

2-2-816 - 18:25 hours

Battalion 37: 2nd Alarm, heavy fire condition in a warehouse, outside operation!

Engs. 277, 271, 231, 290

E207 w/ Satellite 6


Battalion 38 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 57 (Resource Unit Leader)

Rescue, Safety Battalions

Tactical Support 1

FieldCom 1, Command Tactical Unit


18:25 hours

Battalion 28 available replacing Battalion 57

18:35 hours

Division 15: We're putting 111 to work, special call a new FAST truck.

L112 S/C as a new FAST Truck

18:39 hours

E207 requesting instructions.

FieldCom: No special instructions at this time. Have the Satellite come in, and when they get into the box call us on the handy talky.

18:42 hours - Duration 24 minutes

FC: Progress report on the 2nd Alarm Box 816, the address 747 Evergreen Ave, that's between Pilling St and Chauncey St, at this time Division 15 reports he has heavy fire throughout a 2 story commercial 100x200. Exterior operations are underway, he has 3 tower ladders in operation right now. If you can advise the Satellite if they can find a hydrant and get as close as they can to the scene.

18:46 hours

FC: Special call an additional tower ladder. As per Division 15 have them respond down Pilling St to the fire building.

TL107 S/C

18:47 hours

The Staging Area is Chauncey St and Bushwick Ave

19:00 hours

Car 1H (Commissioner's Liaison) is responding

19:08 hours

Battalion 28: Notify Long Island Railroad, we have a tanker car behind this building that needs to be moved.

19:09 hours - Duration 50 minutes

FC: Progress report on the 2nd Alarm Box 816, the address 747 Evergreen Ave, that's between Pilling St and Chauncey St, Division 15 has heavy fire throughout a 1 story commercial 100x200. At this time continuing exterior operations with 5 handlines stretched and operating, 3 tower ladders set up and operating, 1 additional tower ladder in the process of being set up and fire remains Doubtful.

19:13 hours

FC: Can you assign an engine company to go down on Granite St, the chief thinks that's the best access, there's a brush fire that started as a result of this fire, he wants an engine to respond down to Granite and try to handle that.

19:13 hours

Battalion 48 acting 37, operating at Box 839 at 97 Granite St, notified of the brush fire, they believe it to be their box and will be handling it.

19:14 hours

Brooklyn advises that the box is in the vicinity of the Buckeye Pipeline.

19:16 hours

NY Connecting RR reports the tanker is full of vegetable oil and they have a switcher en-route.

19:25 hours

FC: Have 1 additional Battalion Chief respond, and 1 additional tower ladder. Have the tower ladder come down Central to Chauncey

TL135, Battalion 57 S/C

19:28 hours

FC: Be advised they're activating the Command Channel for chief officers, any incoming chief officers have them come in to the Command Channel.

19:29 hours

Battalion 57 requests the location of the Command Post.

FC: In front of the fire building on Evergreen.

19:32 hours

Battalion 48 acting 37 will be redirecting their companies to Central Ave and the RR tracks to attack the brush fire.

19:36 hours

FC: Advise TL135 they will be setting up on Chauncey St, to communicate with the Rescue Battalion, that's who's on charge over there.

19:40 hours

FC: 2nd Alarm Box 816, can you special call another tower ladder, they are going to report to the same location as TL135, Central and Chauncey, report in to the Rescue Battalion.

TL127 acting 124 S/C

19:43 hours - Duration 1 hour 24 minutes

FC: Progress report on the 2nd Alarm Box 816, the address 747 Evergreen Ave, that's between Pilling and Evergreen Sts. At this time Division 15 reports: continuing exterior operations, he has 4 tower ladders setup and operating, 5 handlines, and the fire remains Doubtful. And as a precautionary he's evacuated the following addresses on Chauncey: 742, 744, 746, and 748.

19:51 hours

Car 36B (Department Chaplain) is 10-84

20:05 hours - Duration 1 hour 46 minutes

FC: Special call an additional Satellite company, they're to respond to the exposure 2 side of the building, come into Chauncey and Central Ave, they're to be supplying 135 and 127. Also Progress on Box 816, 2nd Alarm at 747 Evergreen Ave between Pilling and Chauncey Sts, fire in a 2 story commercial 100x200. They're continuing exterior operations, they have 5 tower ladders and 5 handlines operating, and there has been a partial collapse of the exposure 3-4 corner of the building. Fire remains Doubtful, k.

E324 w/ Satellite 4 S/C

3-3-816 - 20:11 hours

FC: Division 15 reports he has extension to the rear of exposure 2, 754 Chauncey St, transmit the 3rd Alarm.

Engs 214, 240 acting 290, 217, 286

Battalion 35

Battalion 31 acting 38 (Staging Manager)

Mask Service Unit

20:18 hours

FC: Advise the 31 when he gets into staging to contact Fieldcom on handy-talkie channel 5

20:24 hours

Car 12A (Executive Officer, Safety and Inspectional Services) is responding

20:25 hours

FC: Advise the 31 acting 38 that when he gets into the staging area, we've already put 214 to work, so he can scratch them off his list.

20:34 hours

Receiving a class 3 alarm, terminal 8, for102 Pilling St for a commercial building.

20:37 hours

Squad 1 is 10-8

20:37 hours

FC: We have E217 going to 102 Pilling to check out the class 3. Special call an additional RAC unit, our RAC here is out of supplies.


20:39 hours

Battalion 33 (Air Recon) is airborned with a 5 minute ETA.

20:40 hours

Car 23 (Executive Officer, Public Information) is responding

20:40 hours

FC: Advise the 33-Air Recon when they get on scene, they can get a hold of the Command Post via the command channel.

20:45 hours - Duration 2 hours 26 minutes

FC: Progress report on the 3rd Alarm Box 816, the address 747 Evergreen Ave, that's between Pilling St and Chauncey St, fire throughout a 2 story commercial 100x200, at this time Division 15 reports he has 6 tower ladders in operation, 2 multi-versatiles, 5 handlines, it's gonna be an extended operation due to a collapse of the concrete roof and a difficulty getting the fire under the collapse. OEM is setting up lights on the scene and fire remains Doubtful, k

20:48 hours

Battalion 48 acting 37 advises they will continue to be 10-99 at Box 839 with E309/321, E248/233, and L151/112 extinguishing pockets of brush along the railroad tracks and in the graveyard as a result of embers.

20:56 hours

FC: 217 checked out 102 Pilling, with negative results, it's a 10-35 code 2 (Alarm Activation - Unfounded) on that.

21:23 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional tower ladders, have them respond in on Pilling St off of Bushwick Ave.

TL131 acting 111, TL146 S/C

21:23 hours

Battalion 9 S/C as the FD Liaison to the MTA Command Center for the brush fires along the BMT "L" line.

21:26 hours

Battalion 33 is 10-8.

21:35 hours

Battalion 9 and Brooklyn unable to contact Battalion 48 via cell phone or on the air. FieldCom will attempt to raise via handy-talkie.

21:38 hours

FC: We've got in contact with Battalion 48 on the handy-talkie, he is quite a distance from his car where the cell phone is. Battalion 9 can contact the FieldCom via cell phone and we'll give him the rundown.

4-4-816 - 21:52 hours

FC: By orders of Car 8, Chief Marrone, transmit the 4th Alarm for relief, make the 2 trucks tower ladders, they're in the process of relieving the 1st alarm companies.

Engs. 237, 283, 291, 234

TL105, TL119

21:58 hours

Battalion 48 acting 37 is releasing companies from Box 839.

Battalion 9 is 10-8 back to Manhattan

22:06 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional Battalion Chiefs to Box 816. Special call 1 additional truck company to replace the FAST Truck at Box 816.

L123 (FAST Truck) S/C

Battalions 39, 48 acting 37


Engines: 201/214, 5/217, 309/231, 248/233, 206/233, 229/271, 221/277, 240/290, 280/332

Ladders: 131/111, 151/112, 127/124, 113/175, 106/176

Battalions: 4/35, 48/37, 31/38, 45/44

Edited by ryang
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