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Rockland's volunteer firefighters face $30 charge after county drops funding

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Rockland's volunteer firefighters face $30 charge after county drops funding

By Laura Incalcaterra • June 30, 2010

Rockland's volunteer firefighters will now have to hand over $30 each to get their face masks fitted after the county decided to start charging for the service.

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Interesting, but if it will save all the classes at the County School it's a no brainer. Hey we all spend more then that for a night out, I think it's a great way to help fill a budget hole and wouldnt think twice about paying it. Creative.

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Can't they just do their own fit testing? Are NY laws different? We share the machine with another department and do it annually ourselves for free.

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Can't they just do their own fit testing? Are NY laws different? We share the machine with another department and do it annually ourselves for free.


my company has our own machine. its a little old, but gets the job done. We are tight on the $$$$ too. other firefighters in our town will use ours if they need to.

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Not for nothing, but each department should be paying for the fit testing, not each individual firefighter. How many departments around hire an outside contractor to do their FIT testing, I would assume a lot of departments do if they cannot afford the equipment.

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Not for nothing, but each department should be paying for the fit testing, not each individual firefighter. How many departments around hire an outside contractor to do their FIT testing, I would assume a lot of departments do if they cannot afford the equipment.

Bingo! Is there a requirement to do the "porta-count" machine fit testing or is it possible like us ot use the approved irritant smoke and "Rainbow Passage"?

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Fit testing using a "Porta-Count" machine isn't required according to OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 using the hoods with bitrex or smoke irritant is a lot cheaper and acceptable according to the standard.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Port-a-count machine properly test you for an SCBA mask, while the "ET hood test" evaluates the need for the N95 Particulate Respirator?

PS - I hold the copyright for calling it the ET hood test. :P

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Interesting, but if it will save all the classes at the County School it's a no brainer. Hey we all spend more then that for a night out, I think it's a great way to help fill a budget hole and wouldnt think twice about paying it. Creative.
Not for nothing, but each department should be paying for the fit testing, not each individual firefighter.

The law is crystal clear on this the "employeer" (in this case the VFD) is required to do the testing. The county was doing it to easy the burden on the local dept. and one of the problems when politicians come up with "cut the budget to save tax payers money". When all is said and done the county will save a few pennies and the tax payers will pay a few dollars to cover the savings.

Bingo! Is there a requirement to do the "porta-count" machine fit testing or is it possible like us ot use the approved irritant smoke and "Rainbow Passage"?

OSHA does not require the machine, but its very hard to "fool" the machine and very easy to fool the rainbow passage. The machine gives you great documentation for each member. If a member is hurt or becomes ill what are the legal ramifications of not using the machine?

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Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Port-a-count machine properly test you for an SCBA mask, while the "ET hood test" evaluates the need for the N95 Particulate Respirator?

PS - I hold the copyright for calling it the ET hood test. :P

That's a more politically correct thing than we used to call it. We joked we took it from the local redneck cop's locker! We're much more PC these days.

We have never used a machine, and have chosen to use the Bitrex/Irritant Smoke tests for all masks: N95's,MSA cartridge masks, and SCBA. As was noted OSHA allows this, I only wondered if NY had a more restrictive ruling.

BNECHIS: Not sure what legal issues would arise as I have yet to see an actual study or even published article trying to refute the quality of the tests. Any question that the test was less thna 100% valid would certainly push us toward the portacount, but it's never been a question. In fact our DOL owns 3-4 that they'll "loan" for use, but often suggest FD's do their own using the hoods given the turn over and the time it takes to do all employees. Not to mention we fit test for three masks annually at in the same period. In actuality the "Rainbow Passage" is no longer used, in favor of a multi movement test where the wearer performs numerous controlled movements for 60 seconds each after wearing the mask for 10 minutes to "set up". Using irritant smoke it's very difficult to fool the tester (and stupid).

Edited by antiquefirelt

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I always love the comments on lohud when things like this come up and see how emotion drives comments instead of intelligence. Even more so when you can start to see or know there would be flip flopping on issues as most that start with their "we'll remember this on election day" campaigns. First its not the county's responsibility as Barry pointed out. And if the county came down with a policy about operations or such for all departments most would be the first to cry "home rule." Things happen and if it came down to fit testing or training hours...I say bye bye fit testing and looking at a lot of apparatus and such, there is money there to buy porta counts and if everyone looks past their island, the ability for departments to pool resources to do so.

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