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Somers - Working Fire 6-19-10

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Date: 6/19/10

Time: 22:06

Location:5 Walker Lane , Shenorock

Frequency: 154.22 , 46.26 , Fire 13

Units Operating:Somers FD full Dept. & Ambulance , Yorktown FASTeam Engine 270, Mahopac FD , Croton Falls FD.

Weather Conditions:73 degrees

Description Of Incident: House Fire

Writer: TR54

22:06 Dispatched full department response , multiple calls reporting fire.

22:12 Somers car 2441 On scene , confirming structure fire , through the roof , first engine up the driveway.

22:33 C&O Zone 4 requested.

22:46 Goldens Bridge Engine requested to re-locate to cover Primrose Street firehouse.

6/20/10 00:01 IC placed Mahopac , Yorktown & Croton Falls units back in service. Overhaul in progress.

Google maps :,+Shenorock,+NY+10598&gl=us&ei=pYsdTPLgMIH6lwezxKS8Dg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA

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