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What Memorial Day is really about

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I read this on a local news site and had to share it. To those reading who serve our country overseas and provide us all the right to do what we do and say what we say without fear of censorship or imprisonment, THANK YOU.

To those who serve right here in the USA, as EMT's, medics, cops, firemen and even the crankiest of RN's, thank you all too.

Happy Memorial Day to all of you-- you are true heroes. I'll be working the entire weekend but I hope you (those off-lucky f#$%erstongue.gif ) enjoy your BBQ's. Just don't forget the real reason for the holiday.

"The holiday was originally known as Decoration Day. It was proclaimed by General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic in May of 1868. He said the purpose was "for strewing flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land."

New York was the first state to recognize the new holiday. And the day inspired generations of poets to pay tributes to the dead.

William Cullen Bryant wrote: "Ah! Never shall the land forget -- How gushed the life-blood of her brave…"

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Your silent tents of green

"We deck with fragrant flowers;

"Yours has the suffering been,

"The memory shall be ours."

Maya Angelou: "How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!"

For some of us Memorial Day may not be memorable, yet the tiny flags posted on the graves of loved ones in countless cemeteries around the nation show the devotion many people have to their fallen loved ones."

Remembering is still important, for families and for the nation. The holiday is sacred---and it should involve us all.

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A big Hoo-ah to that! Memorial Day isn't about barbecues and beer, lets remember those who have sacrificed their time, their health and most importantly their lives for our freedom. Thanks to everyone out there who puts their lives on the line to defend their neighbors both here and abroad.

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Yes, its really all about the military that have given up so much for us. Sadly one died from his injuries recieved while operating in Afganihistan this week. His home was only a few miles from my house. I believe he had a wife and two kids. Reality of what is going on over there. He died for our country just as so many others have.

Let's remember what Memorial Day is really all about, and be Thankful for all the sacrafics that so many have made.

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NFD, that Military Police Soldier from Waterford, correct? My roommate last year is with the CTANG and ROTC through U of New Haven, they are technically in the same Battallion.

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OORAHH!! I want to say thank you to all my fellow men and women serving with me overseas and in the states, also an even bigger thank you to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, your sacrifice will never be forgotten!!

Lcpl. Schmoke

CLR-37 Okinawa, Japan

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