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White Plains lays off 12 cops, 9 firefighters

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I'm wondering what the layoff of these poor brothers will do to the City's ISO rating of 1. If it drops and in turn homeowners insurance goes up, I'm wondering what the real trade off to the taxpayer was/is going to be.

Edited by mfc2257

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My brother-in law is a fire fighter with the city and he said that this has not gone over well. He said the city wanted lots of money to be cut from there budget so they found a way to do it with out laying off anyone, but the city wanted more money and also did not like what they had planned to to reduce their budget.

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This is a punitive action, and it's disgusting the city is behaving this way.

I hope other departments that have vacancies are able to pick up these layed off FF's and PO's, even though I'm sure they are dedicated to White Plains and that's where they want to spend their careers.

If the city doesn't immediately rehire those who are laid off, they are going to end up spending the money anyways....when someone dies (hopefully this doesn't happen) and the family sues them for millions due to their negligence in staffing and wins-so either way White Plains will be paying up.

BTW, did DPW or any other non essential city agency suffer any hits?

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BTW, did DPW or any other non essential city agency suffer any hits?

The mayor hired 2 additional staffers about 3 weeks ago.

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You know what really pisses me off when something like this happens? These brother cops and firefighters usually GIVE UP other career paths to get on the job. So what do you say to them now, in this economy, in this job market? "Oh, sorry you had a decent job at UPS, Verizon, or a union trade that you left to come serve the people of White Plains. Don't worry you'll find something else." Find something else? Thanks a lot.

These are human beings you're talking about here. Not some impartial actuary's numbers and figures.

Municipalities used to understand what I'm talking about. Obviously, something has changed.

Shame on you White Plains. Talk about a knife in the back.

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The mayor hired 2 additional staffers about 3 weeks ago.

I'm not too in tune with Westchester politicians as I use to be, but I thought the new Mayor (Delfino is gone, right?) was in some legal trouble? Has that been resolved, and he still in power?

And when does the city expect to see any tax revenue from all these developments they gave tax breaks to?

It's sad, because I finally thought that White Plains FD and PD were starting to head in the right direction....and now because the politicians didn't plan for the future and let power, greed, and corruption run the city, they are now scapegoating the PD and FD unions for the city's mistakes, who really don't make a liveable wage considering the cost of living.

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The mayor hired 2 additional staffers about 3 weeks ago.

A lawyer and a domestic violence counselor, right?

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OK Now I will post for the second time in four years.

Recently I was called in from home and paid overtime to stand-by in a White Plains firehouse while they battled a blaze on Lake St. There were other Mutual Aide companies in the city as well, I believe two, all on stand-by all at the expense of their taxpayers NOT the City of White Plains taxpayers.

Now that the City of White Plains has shown that it is unwilling to pay for a minimum level of protection will the surrounding departments continue to subsidize the City of White Plains at their own taxpayers’ expense but sending in Mutual Aide to stand-by? How do you justify this?

Now let’s be very clear I am not, nor would I ever say if a Department needs help you don’t go. If White Plains or anyone else has a fire or other emergency and needs help at the scene they should get all they need from their neighbors. But to expect that other communities should pay for the manpower and apparatus to stand-by in your fire stations when you are not willing to pay for your own employees is ludicrous! Especially for a city like White Plains that enjoys such a broad and lucrative tax base. How come no one is asking where the tax dollars are being spent?

PCFD ENG58, wraftery, x635 and 3 others like this

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OK Now I will post for the second time in four years.

Recently I was called in from home and paid overtime to stand-by in a White Plains firehouse while they battled a blaze on Lake St. There were other Mutual Aide companies in the city as well, I believe two, all on stand-by all at the expense of their taxpayers NOT the City of White Plains taxpayers.

Now that the City of White Plains has shown that it is unwilling to pay for a minimum level of protection will the surrounding departments continue to subsidize the City of White Plains at their own taxpayers' expense but sending in Mutual Aide to stand-by? How do you justify this?

Now let's be very clear I am not, nor would I ever say if a Department needs help you don't go. If White Plains or anyone else has a fire or other emergency and needs help at the scene they should get all they need from their neighbors. But to expect that other communities should pay for the manpower and apparatus to stand-by in your fire stations when you are not willing to pay for your own employees is ludicrous! Especially for a city like White Plains that enjoys such a broad and lucrative tax base. How come no one is asking where the tax dollars are being spent?

I agree with you and I will elaborate further. First, to recap the YFD policy regarding mutual aid which has been stated on here previously...when called for mutual aid we will respond directly to the fire or emergency scene if requested to do so and stay until no longer needed. If requested to stand by in a firehouse we will do so but we will notify the department, if they are not already aware, that if they do not begin recalling off duty personnel within 30 minutes of our arrival, we will leave. This is the general policy but it is ultimately at the discretion of the Fire Commissioner and may be modified as necessary for specific incidents by either the Commissioner or Chief of Ops.

I would strongly suggest that in these times we find ourselves in, other departments should consider a similar policy. If Commissioners or Chiefs of Department do not institute such a policy on their own, they should be "encouraged" to do so by their members.

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With the new current staffing levels at WPFD, I don't think there is enough firefighters left on shift to fight two trash can fires burning simultaniously in different locations!

So how did the city with "its large tax base" end up in this sorry situation: 1) Fat Cat developers (Cappelli and others)were given property tax breaks for numerous years. These are the same structures that put a strain on public safety services with additional hazards for public safety personnel to deal with. 2) The revenue used to fund city services is based on sales tax which fluxiates with the economy instead of a stable property tax. If the city had raised property tax as the cost of living increased, they would not be in this situation.

You don't need to be an economist to see that the city politicians recklessly mismanaged where the revenue to operate the city came from, and now Public Safety workers are made jobless and their lives are put at further risk because of their actions. Shame on the Mayor, Common Council and the residents of the city for their short sightness. In my 20+ years of fire service to the city, I would have never thought the city would lay off firefighters. Most know that the WPFD already operates on minimum staffing already, and their salaries are on the low side of the scale already. I only hope that WPFD firefighters and police aren't hurt or worse by the actions of mindless politicians.

My thoughts are with my WPFD brothers - Be vigilant- I don't think the city is finished trying to take things from you....

x635 and tglass59 like this

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This is a punitive action, and it's disgusting the city is behaving this way.

BTW, did DPW or any other non essential city agency suffer any hits?

Is DPW not essential? Water, sewer, traffic lights, garbage pickup optional?

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I'm not too in tune with Westchester politicians as I use to be, but I thought the new Mayor (Delfino is gone, right?) was in some legal trouble? Has that been resolved, and he still in power?

And when does the city expect to see any tax revenue from all these developments they gave tax breaks to?

It's sad, because I finally thought that White Plains FD and PD were starting to head in the right direction....and now because the politicians didn't plan for the future and let power, greed, and corruption run the city, they are now scapegoating the PD and FD unions for the city's mistakes, who really don't make a liveable wage considering the cost of living.

Bradley has several charges pending against him. He needs to resign. Nice to see Dennis Power still has his head up Bradley's behind. Bradley was bad in the Assembly. Great selection, White Plains!

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Is DPW not essential? Water, sewer, traffic lights, garbage pickup optional?

DPW is absolutely essential, and that's not what I meant. It is easier to make cutbacks in these and other departments FIRST, as you can reduce hours, manpower, reduce servic(s)e frequency, and look to the department employees for in-house ways to save money to avoid any layoffs. Also, you can cut library hours, close or reduce parks and rec programs, find ways to conserve fuel, etc. Sure, these programs contribute to the quality of life.....but the preservation of life and property ultimately lay with the Firefighter, Police Officers, and EMS workers. Without them, there would be no city to service.

My question was, was any of this action taken BEFORE making FD and PD layoffs?

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I hope other departments that have vacancies are able to pick up these layed off FF's and PO's

I was one of the 9 FFs....and im open to all offers!! I dont know what is going on financially in other departments around the county, but I guess it can't hurt to find out. Anyone know who is hiring?

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With the new current staffing levels at WPFD, I don't think there is enough firefighters left on shift to fight two trash can fires burning simultaniously in different locations!

So how did the city with "its large tax base" end up in this sorry situation: 1) Fat Cat developers (Cappelli and others)were given property tax breaks for numerous years. These are the same structures that put a strain on public safety services with additional hazards for public safety personnel to deal with. 2) The revenue used to fund city services is based on sales tax which fluxiates with the economy instead of a stable property tax. If the city had raised property tax as the cost of living increased, they would not be in this situation.

You don't need to be an economist to see that the city politicians recklessly mismanaged where the revenue to operate the city came from, and now Public Safety workers are made jobless and their lives are put at further risk because of their actions. Shame on the Mayor, Common Council and the residents of the city for their short sightness. In my 20+ years of fire service to the city, I would have never thought the city would lay off firefighters. Most know that the WPFD already operates on minimum staffing already, and their salaries are on the low side of the scale already. I only hope that WPFD firefighters and police aren't hurt or worse by the actions of mindless politicians.

My thoughts are with my WPFD brothers - Be vigilant- I don't think the city is finished trying to take things from you....

what is wpfd staffing anyway, i now the have like 5 stations are they all in operation???

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I was one of the 9 FFs....and im open to all offers!! I dont know what is going on financially in other departments around the county, but I guess it can't hurt to find out. Anyone know who is hiring?

Stay strong brother....

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I was one of the 9 FFs....and im open to all offers!! I dont know what is going on financially in other departments around the county, but I guess it can't hurt to find out. Anyone know who is hiring?


All kidding aside, I hope it all works out for you and your other brothers in the WPFD.

Eliminate top officials and keep the men and women in blue (FD or PD), they're the ones that really make a difference in a community!

Edited by Remember585

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A lawyer and a domestic violence counselor, right?

From the top rope!!!! LOL!

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This is disgusting how cities and towns in this area are doing things like this. We live in one of the richiest counties in the country. There is some serious mismanagement from our elected officials. White Plains in particular. I send my best wishes out to my brothers in White Plains. I hope that everything works out for you guys. Please keep us advised of any more demonstrations that are planned. I would be more than happy to come and support you.

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Hang in there guys,lets hope that these positions can be restored somehow!

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This is disgusting how cities and towns in this area are doing things like this. We live in one of the richiest counties in the country. There is some serious mismanagement from our elected officials. White Plains in particular. I send my best wishes out to my brothers in White Plains. I hope that everything works out for you guys. Please keep us advised of any more demonstrations that are planned. I would be more than happy to come and support you.

I agree, let us all know if you are planning any more rallys. It pays to put the spotlight on just how incompetant our elected officials actually are. Why is that they try to compare us to private industry in salary and pension, but do not compare their solutions to this same private industry.If you have to let people go, give an incentive to the most senior members to retire early. We are told this can't be done by these same elected officials. They are elected to lead but they will not be creative in the solutions. They fall back on the simplest solution, layoffs. It will obviously affect the members cut but also every other member. The remaining members' safety is placed at risk thereby endangering the public's safety. We all agree that these are tough times but we should not be made to suffer because of poor decision making or poor planning on the elected officials part. They need to talk to the guys that actually do the job to find ways to make any reductions. The best and brightest are not currently serving in elected office. Stay strong brothers.

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Looks like 2 WPPD officers were re-instated and all of the other officers had found work else where.

Meanwhile only 2 of the 9 firefighters laid off have been rehired in white plains and else where.

Hopefully the 7 other brothers/members will be employed shortly.

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I agree with you and I will elaborate further. First, to recap the YFD policy regarding mutual aid which has been stated on here previously...when called for mutual aid we will respond directly to the fire or emergency scene if requested to do so and stay until no longer needed. If requested to stand by in a firehouse we will do so but we will notify the department, if they are not already aware, that if they do not begin recalling off duty personnel within 30 minutes of our arrival, we will leave. This is the general policy but it is ultimately at the discretion of the Fire Commissioner and may be modified as necessary for specific incidents by either the Commissioner or Chief of Ops.

I would strongly suggest that in these times we find ourselves in, other departments should consider a similar policy. If Commissioners or Chiefs of Department do not institute such a policy on their own, they should be "encouraged" to do so by their members.

To back up JFlynn's statement of YFD policy, I would like to verify that the problems that YFD has had with some FDs were never a case of YFD bullying those departments or being pricky. Over my 34 year career, my guys sat in YFD Houses as many times as Yonkers sat in ours. Yonkers calls back as soon as mutual aid is requested and so do we and that is the case in point. It's called MUTUAL aid for a reason: You help me. I help you.

If MUTUAL aid doesn't work two ways, then it's just AID...or CHARITY.

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Public safety is the number one responsibility of elected municipal officials. When they fail to manage the municipal budget properly and cuts have to be made, the cuts must come from non essential services such as the mayor's staff, the mayor's salary as well as any employees who were hired due to nepotism. Municipalities all over America are waging a war against public safety agencies ... It's a practice that has already resulted in preventable injuries and deaths to civilians and firefighters.

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