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Anyone recently taken the NREMT?

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Can anyone give me some advice on the NREMT? Ive worked so hard to get this far, and the last thing i need is a fail on NREMT. Ive not only gotten the classroom experience, but Ive gotten onboard experience also. I know the importance of ABC's, Ive used all of my skills a numerous amount of times, and Ive given CPR and used the AED more times than i can count. I take it in 3 weeks and Im nervous, everyone tells me how hard it is. Ive seen more things than most students have seen, and done more too. Ive learned alot by watching my Paramedics and have asked alot of questions. I know what drugs they push and what they use them for. Ive worked Trama and Medical patients, so ive gotten my feel of it all, but i still know i will see things that will still amaze me. Its just so important to me that I pass NREMT, so if anyone can enlighten me on it, id appreciate it.


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Basically forget everything that you may have seen on the "street" and go by the book. Some of the protors are very anal and leave no room ... GOOD LUCK

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Remember, BLS before ALS. Don't worry about drugs and stuff. Stick to the basics. You know your ABCs which is good, just take it to the next level. Make sure you know your critical fails and don't forget any, the rest is just points. Especially on the assessment, just work head to toe systematically and remember the stuff as you go. As long as you don't skip around, you should do fine. It all comes down to practice, which if done right in your field time, sounds like you have a good amount of. Just relax, don't get nervous and you'll do fine. Screw the anal proctors, it's just you and your patient. Good luck.

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I took the test about two years ago, it's basically the same thing as any state test you would take to get your certification--if not, easier. The issue is just remembering all the numbers. For the assessment part of it, you should be fine, as the others said, go from head to toe and remember anything and everything that could possibly be "not right" in that area. Rule out all the pertinent negatives, and never forget ABC. Just remember the orders and the numbers, and you should be fine. Know all the ranges of vital signs, i.e. 100-140 Systolic, as opposed to just "yeah, about 120/80 is good." That and know the protocols for the the drugs you can give. They may be different from the state protocols, so make sure you know the NREMT versions. For example, in NJ, where I originally took EMT (now in NY), the minimum pressure for nitro (120 I believe it was) was different than the nationally required 100 by the national registry. Go by your text book, that's what it's based on.

That's all, you'll be good, memorize the nitty-gritty and the rest is a piece of cake if you've seen it personally.

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I took it last year; it's best to know your local protocols for when you're out on the street, but be aware that they might differ from the NREMT protocols. It's pretty straightforward though.

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Thanks Guys!

Ive already taken my NREMT skills tests, and passed them, so im just waiting to test the written. I'll keep all advice in mind, and i appreciate it. The NR says a contraindication in giving Nitro is 100 sys, but our protocols is 90 sys. Thank God i havent forgotten what the book Our protocols are alot different from most other peoples protocols ive talked to. We can actually do alot more than most MD allow in other parts of Tx. In other surrounding counties than can intubate, but we can combitube. Some of us can give Epi inj. sub-q other than the Epi-Pen. We can even give valium rectally for pedi-seizures. NR says i can only do Oral Glucose, Epi-Pen, Nitro, Neb Treatments, CPR, AED, Assisted Inhaler Treatments, Charcoal. For now I'll keep in mind what my book Thanks again you guys!!!

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We can even give valium rectally for pedi-seizures

On the BLS level? What happens if the kid goes into respiratory arrest on you? You can't intubate. You can't use combitube. Sounds aweful risky on the BLS level. But hey, if some systems can hand out Narcan to druggies like candy (Baltimore poilot) then why the heck not. How do you guys handle stock?

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We only run ALS trucks here. A EMT-B is always either with an Intermediate or a Paramedic. We do have 2 basic trucks but, they are rarely used, and they dont have any drugs on them that are not allowed on a BLS truck. We dont have a high call volume like you would in the big cities, therefore there is always a Paramedic or an Intermediate on every truck. In case of an MCI im sure the BLS trucks would be used. The closest level 1 trauma center is about 40 min away, so its in our patients best interests that we run ALS trucks 99.9% of the time. Our MD knows this so im sure thats why he wrote the protocols this way. Im sure it is hard for some of the bigger city Medics to understand. We are just not that big. I hope ive made you understand a little better. I do understand your concern........


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Understood. A lot of systems operate only medic buses and/or shoot to have am edic on every call. But it doesn't answer my question. Do the BLS buses that rarely get used, have the ability to give pedi Valium (I assume you use the gel) or is that only if you are with a medic?

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