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Staten Island - 3rd Alarm - 5/3/10

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Date: 5/3/10

Time: 23:00 hours

Location: 198 St. Mary's Ave near White Plains Ave

Frequency: FDNY Staten Island

Weather Conditions: hot and humid

Description Of Incident: heavy fire in the basement extended to the 1st and 2nd floors of a 3 story private dwelling

Reporters/Writer: ryang

Rosebank, Staten Island, NY, 5/3/10

Address: 198 St. Mary's Ave between Tompkins and White Plains Ave

23:03 hours

Phone Box 483 - Report of fire in a private dwelling @ 184 St. Mary's Ave

Engs. 152, 153, 160

TL77, L81

Battalion 21

Rescue 5

(Box 32 also transmitted for 185 St. Mark's Pl. E155, L78 assigned)

10-75-483 - 23:04 hours


L83 (FAST Truck)

Battalion 22

Squad 1

Division 8

23:05 hours

Report of elderly people trapped

TL79 S/C

7-5-483 - 23:07 hours - Duration 5 minutes

Battalion 21: We have a 3 story PD, fire's on the 1st floor. All-Hands, k. Start out an extra engine and truck.

E155 S/C*

E159 w/ Satellite 5


(*Box 32 is a 10-92 for incorrect address)

Exposures are:

1 - street

2 - 2 story similar separated by an alley

3 - unknown

4 - 3 story similar separated by an alley

23:16 hours - Duration 14 minutes

Division 8: Box 483, address 184 St. Mary's Ave, DC Howe, Division 8, reports using All-Hands for fire in the basement, possible extension to the 1st floor, of a 20x40 class 3. 2 lines stretched, 2 in operation, stretched to the basement. Primary searches being conducted, trucks are opening up.

23:17 hours - Duration 15 minutes

DC8: We'll use the address 198 St. Mary's Ave

2-2-483 - 23:21 hours

Engs. 242, 156, 163


Battalion 42 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 40 (Resource Unit Leader)

Safety, Rescue Battalions

Tactical Support 2

FieldCom, Command Tactical Unit

23:26 hours

The staging area is Lynhurst and Tompkins Ave

23:30 hours - Duration 28 minutes

DC8: 483, the second alarm, we have fire extended to the 1st floor. We have 3 lines stretched, 2 in operation. We've withdrawn all members from the basement. we're bringing a line in from the rear at this time. We're knocking down fire at this time. Primaries on the 2nd floor are negative, primaries on the 1st floor and in the basement will be delayed due to heavy volume of fire.

23:36 hours - Duration 34 minutes

DC8: Box 483, 4 lines stretched, 3 in operation, we're making a push into the basement, knocking down fire on the 1st floor, checking for pockets of fire in the walls. Primaries on the 2nd and 1st floor are negative, 3rd floor and basement are still in progress. Doubtful Will Hold.

23:50 hours

L168 acting 77, TL114 acting 79 S/C

23:52 hours - Duration 50 minutes

DC8: Box 483, DC Howe, Division 8 reports: Still Doubtful. Using the 2nd Alarm assignment, 4 lines stretched, 4 in operation. Fire in the basement has been knocked down, checking for pockets. Possible pockets of extension on the 2nd floor. Primary searches throughout are negative.

00:07 hours - Duration 1 hour 5 minutes

FieldCom: Progress report for the 2nd Alarm Box 483, that's for the address 198 St Mary's Ave, between Tompkin Ave and White Plains Ave, Division 8, DC Howe, has fire in a 3 story 25x40 private dwelling, he reports 5 lines stretched, 5 in operation. Fire in the basement, 1st, and 2nd floors. Truck companies opening up, searching for pockets of fire. Primary searches throughout are negative, secondary searches delayed, Doubtful Will Hold.

3-3-483 - 00:11 hours - Duration 1 hour 10 minutes

FC: Box 483, by orders of Division 8, DC Howe, transmit a 3rd Alarm. Can you have utilities respond forthwith, k, forthwith. Let the incoming chiefs know to come in on handy-talkie channel 2.

Engs. 165, 157, 253, 247

Battalion 23

Battalion 32 (Staging Manager)

Mask Service Unit

Car 4D (DAC Joseph Pfeifer, Deputy Assistant Chief of Operations - Counterterrorism/Preparedness)

00:14 hours

TL85, L80 S/C

00:25 hours

FC: Advise TL85, L80 to report with poles and manpower into the command post

00:38 hours - Duration 1 hour 36 minutes

FC: Progress report for 3rd Alarm Box 483, for the address 198 St Mary's Ave, that's between Tompkins Ave and White Plains Ave. Division 8, Chief Howe, has a fire in a 3 story 25x40 private dwelling. Division 8 reports 5 lines stretched in operation, all visible fire has been knocked down, trucks opening up searching for pockets of fire. Primary searches are negative, fire Probably Will Hold at this time.

00:39 hours

FC: Special call 2 additional trucks by orders of Division 8, have them respond to the staging area with the rigs and members respond to the command post.

TL86, L109 S/C

00:44 hours

Car 23D (Press Duty Car) is responding

00:53 hours - Duration 1 hour 51 minutes

FC: On the 3rd Alarm Box 483, by orders of Car 4 David, AC Pfeifer, place this fire Under Control.


Engines: 228/152, 309/157, 162/159, 241/160, 245/163, 254/165

Ladders: 168/77, 131/77, 114/79, 84/79, 169/81

Battalions: 48/22, 2/23

Edited by ryang

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