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Shelton - Car fire/Structure Fire - 4/22

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Date: 4/22/10

Time: 08:53

Location: 27 Daybreak Lane

Frequency: 33.86

Units Operating: Shelton fire companies 1,3,4, and 5, Nichols FD, Derby FD, Monroe FD, Shelton PD, SEMS

Weather Conditions: beautiful

Description Of Incident:

Shelton Fire companies 3,4, and company 5 with tanker 59 dispatched to 27 Daybreak Lane for the reported car fire in the Garage. After dispatch Car 1 requested company 1 added to the assignment, and also requested a Monroe Tanker, and an Engine from Nichols because this area is Non-Hydrant. FM1 was on scene first and reported working car fire with extension to the house. heavy fire and smoke visible. E35 (co. #3 tanker) was first engine to arrive and began to prepare for tanker shuttle operations. A "pool" was in place if drafting was going to be needed. at the time of the attack all family and pets were evacuated from the home. 2 Initial attack lines from engine 35 were put into opperation. One line at the garage level, the other from the upstairs leading down to the garage. 2000 feet of LDH were stretched as the nearest hydrant was 1800 ft away. Tanker 59 was at the pool incase of hydrant failure/E35 failure. Fire was contained to the garage area and minor charring to the exterior of the home. In the garage was two working car fires with room and garage content as well. the remainder of the home received only smoke damage due to an early attack from the upstairs/homeowner knew to shut the door to the garage. fire took approximately 15-20 minutes to KD. very good stop by SFD and NFD. Nichols FD had one engine to the scene, Derby FD provided town coverage, and Monroe's tanker was standing by in town available if we needed it.

Shelton Structure Fire


Writer: ;)

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