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New Rochelle new engine

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I am sure that Captain Barry Bnechis of NRFD will be able to answer the question, but I would suspect that it is to replace Engine 21, as the current Engine 21 (1998 Spartan/RD Murray) that used to be the Old Engine 25 (until Engine 25 took delivery recently of their new rig). The next oldest front line Engine Company in NRFD is Engine 23, which is a 2000 Spartan/RD Murray) {NRFD replaced the Old Engine 21, which is Now Spare Engine 18 [2000 Spartan/RD Murray] probably due to the mileage on the old Engine 21}

Again, this is speculation, but I may be wrong.

Barry. I know that the award will eventually go to the Bidder who scores the highest on the Bid Award Requirements, but since I know that NRFD was very pleased with the Bid and Delivery of your New Pierce Arrow 1500/750 Engine 25, would the Pierce Bid be given any high consideration, given their most recent performance to NRFD Bid Requirements?

Per lfd171's site New Rochelle is accepting bids for a new engine through May 25, 2010. Bnechis is this engine going to be assigned to engine 21 or engine 23?

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