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Mount Vernon - Working Fire - 4/9/10

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Date: 4/9/10

Time: 00:55

Location: 553 South 7th Avenue

Frequency: 154.145

Units Operating: E3, E5, E1, E4 (FAST), L2, TL3, R1, Bat 4, Car 2A

Weather Conditions: Light rain

Description Of Incident: Working fire in 2 1/2 frame dwelling.

Reporters: Da' Box

Writer: Da' Box

00:55 - 10-26 per Battalion 4.

01:02 - Command reports water on the fire.

01:06 - E4 (FAST) is to respond via 7th Street.

01:18 - Command reports fire in 2 1/2 frame "Colliyer's Mansion", fire on 2nd floor #1 side, companies still working. Primary searches are negative.

01:32 - Command reports secondaries are negative.

01:48 - Command reports 2 L/S/O.

02:28 - All companies in service.

Edited by 1075thebox

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