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Greenburgh - Officer Needs Assistance? - 03-23-10

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Date: 03-23-10

Time: 1558hrs

Location: 376 Saw Mill River Rd., Greenburgh

Frequency: NYSP

TMC dispatched 3K12, 3K13 to above address for an officer assistance call. NYSP units canceled en-route, situation under control.

Anyone have any idea what happened? GPD members ok?

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Moments later they called situation under control. They did request backup from surrounding agencies. I tuned one of our portables but didn't hear what had happened.

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Moments later they called situation under control. They did request backup from surrounding agencies. I tuned one of our portables but didn't hear what had happened.

Yeah, the SP units were definately cancelled quickly, which hopefully was a good thing.

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Pair charged in Greenburgh burglary; officers hurt during arrest

By Rebecca Baker March 24, 2010


......Two Greenburgh patrolmen were hurt trying to arrest one of the burglary suspects. Two teenaged brothers stepped in to confront police about the arrest and, according to police, got physical when the officers tried arresting them.........

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Seth, thanks for finding this. I just happened to hear the NYSP units get sent on this and was concerned for the MOS. Waaaaay to much violence against LEO's lately.

I hate to assume because you know what that leads to, but; an 18-year-old from North Salem at a housing complex in Greenburgh? Doubt he was there to pick up his friends for church mass. 16 and 18 year-olds fighting with police, unbelievable. Hope they get charged to the fullest and ALL charges stick.

Speedy revovery to Officers Dicairano and Buccheri.

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