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Out and About, East Side, West Side

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I love driving, and despise flying. I will drive till my feet blister and hands callous on the wheel. I also don't look out for red light cameras when driving around Lancaster, CA. So I got caught and had to pay the ticket. Being slightly young and single and somewhat care free, and tired of getting the online and over the phone runaround from the LA County Superior Court system, I decided the best thing to do was go out there and pay the rassum frassum ticket. So, everybody's favorite Supervising Dispatcher flew out St. Patricks Day to the warm and lovely land of LA LA. Hopped in a nice rental(09 Chevy Cobalt, I WANT ONE!!!) and went to pay my fine. But wait, as I cruise into Lancaster, I also spy LA County FS 129. I had been here before on my last trip, but light was crappy and I only whacked out a couple of shots before it went to complete poop. Not this time. $446 later, just for the ticket, and here we go. Engine and Haz Mat 129 and Engine 329. I forget if 129 or the "3 Car" takes the Haz Mat. Both Engines are 2006 KME's and the Haz Mat is also a 2007 or 8 KME.




Ran further out back and Copter 16 was hanging around for the day. They have a copter here 24/7, I forget if it's an air squad, or just for firefighting duty.


I lucked out, as Quint 24 was finishing up some maintenance at the shops as well. This complex is pretty big actually. It's a fire station, training center, helispot, shops, and storage area for spares and reserve rigs.


Ran around back and got Water Tender 136.


Next stop, my second slice of the Orange..

Edited by JBE
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So after a nearly three hour ride from JFK to the Chateau(DAMN YOU NYC TRANSIT!!!) I spent Saturday giving the tour to the Lake Carmel Explorers. The least I can do for the department that got me my start in the fire service 23 years ago. It was then up to the special lady friends house, and upon awakening on a beautiful Sunday, what more can I do since I'm alone in the house?? You got it, out and about I go!!!

First stop, Port Jervis Engine 4, a 1999 ALF with a 54 foot Squrt. I will say this about the Port, they are quite colorful..


Next up, Engine 2, a 2007 KME Rescue Pumper. Turns out they had a job right across the street earlier Sunday AM.


Rescue 823 1994 Simon/Saulsbury


Engine 5, 2005 Seagrave. I looked at this and started channeling Joe Pesci, the Metallic Mint Green...


Next time I get the ladder, Engine 1 and Engine 6.

Drove over the bridge into PA to seek out Matamoras and Westfall. Stopped at Westfall first.

Engine 39-390, I wanna say late 90's Pierce. Jeeper can fill in the details I hope.


Tanker 39, Big Friend. I didn't get specifics. Jeeper, you're up pal!!!


Headed back down Pennsylvania Avenue past the Turkey Hill(GREAT subs and Orange Iced Tea!!!) and down to Matamoras.

Rescue 32, 2000 International with a Rescue 1 body


Tower 321 2002?? Pierce with an 85 foot platform.


Next stop, Middletown!!

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So, I got a bit more time to kill and figured I'd hit Middletown. I've gone out drinking at a bar down the block from the main house enough times and promised myself I'd get over there eventually. After explaining who I was and that I was shooting pix not only for my personal collection, but to put up on this site(Shameless Plug, I know) out they came for me. Here's Engine 1, 1994 Pierce.


JACKPOT!!!! Truck 1, 1989 Simon.LTI Tiller!!!


Engine 2, Spartan RD Murray

I like the White/Orange..


Truck 3, 112 foot Pierce Platform. I liked the little step that comes out when you open the door, nice touch.


Engine 6, 2009 KME. I looked at this at the Expo last year, but would rather get it out in the sun. Not my greatest shot, but I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to this stuff.


Engines 4 and 5, once again, not the greatest angles, and I have to figure out what setting on this new camera works best for rigs. I may even bring out the old one just to help out.



Next stop, two exits over the Newburgh/Beacon Bridge..

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I tend to be very traditional when it comes to apparatus paint jobs. This is a place where I make an exception because of how well I've been received. Always helps to have old family friends who are captains, and a chief who is a D-911 dispatcher(THANX KENNY!!!)

Yup, you guessed it, Rombout. So here we go, 62-2, 11, 12, 45 and the new 55 a BEAST of a rig.





And of course this behemoth..I LIKE IT!!!


And so, I bid adeiu to the Caddy Creme gang, knocked on my aunts door and nobody was home, or they heard I was coming and hid. Ran to Carmel to see some friends and headed on home. Not bad, 20 plus rigs in 4 hours. If there is anyone in the OC of NY, or up in Dutchess, or Westchester, or Putnam who wants me to come out. Let me know. I'll check my schedule and we'll work something out. As always, Enjoy!!!

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Great apparatus photos ! Nice job.

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Well if ya want some more odd colors come up to union vale. PM me and we can set something up...I'm always at the station Mon and Tue til 6pm

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appreciated, however, I did Union Vale last summer.

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"The first was the Corvette, which could NEVER, EVER be confused with the 2005 Seagrave..."

Great My Cousin Vinny reference up there JBE, as as usual, GREAT shots.

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Thanks for sharing. Excellent photos!!!

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appreciated, however, I did Union Vale last summer.

You're right, I forgot about that. lol

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Mac, just let Adam and I know when 46 gets into the neighborhood. I'm really looking forward to getting some pix of that.

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Will let you know when 46 gets the new rig, right now they are using a 95 spare due to the old 9703 needing some repairs. They havent received any dates yet for training on the new piece. Probably mid-april or end of april before it arrives.

Edited by Mac8146

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Will let you know when 46 gets the new rig, right now they are using a 95 spare due to the old 9703 needing some repairs. They havent received any dates yet for training on the new piece. Probably mid-april or end of april before it arrives.

Nice shots, Jimmy. Mac, noticed the spare the other day. Keep us posted. Soon we'll be listening to TWO sick howling cats coming up Bailey Ave!

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Jimmy-HM129 is I believe a 2008 (new while at the 2009 Firehouse World) the diversity of rig colors back there. I know I say it often, but I need to get back there for a photo trip...

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The door is always open my friend. BFR and I will take you to the new place across the avenue, and then anywhere ya wanna go.

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