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Beacon (Dutchess) Tractor-trailer vs. toll plaza

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Date: 3/17/10

Time: 04:54

Location: Newburgh Beacon Bridge Toll Plaza

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800, 453.050

Units: Beacon Fire 33-1, 33-11, 33-55, Beacon Vol. Amb. 82-72, 82-89, NYSP T-Way

Weather: Clear 32

Description: Tractor trailer in to toll plaza


04:57 Beacon Fire & EMS dispatched to a tractor trailer into toll plaza reported entrapped & unconscious with a fuel spill

04:59 33-11 & BVAC 82-89 responding, NYSP Thruway advises no fire but has fuel spill with person still in the vehicle unconscious

05:04 33-55 responding

05:05 33-11 & 33-55 on the scene

05:06 82-72 responding

05:11 82-72 on the scene

05:12 Beacon command reports tractor-trailer vs. tollbooth, person trapped, and large fuel spill

05:30 Beacon command reports patient extricated, units remaining on the scene request 1035 to station 2

05:33 82-72 & 82-89 enroute to St Francis ALS

05:42 Beacon Station 2 covered

06:58 82-72 & 82-89 in service

07:02 33-11 rerouted to possible gas problem Forrestal Hgts apt’s

07:28 Beacon Command reports NYS DEC, Environmental Clean & tow truck on the scene

07:28 33-55 in service


Record Online

Poughkeepsie Journal

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