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WCFTC-Attend & Show Up For Your Classes At WCFTC!

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I just want to remind ALL Westchester firefighters to attend as many classes at DES as they can. At this point, not only for your own good, but to show that there is a need and want for training.

Also, when you do sign up, please actually show up and don't cancel last minute.

If course enrollment dwindles, and people continually sign up then cancel, then Astorino's more likely to cut the courses offered and slash funding for training related expenses, such as CFI's, training prop maintainence, etc.

Let's also keep in mind that basic firefighter courses would also be cut in the amount offered and the open slots, which could lead to increased wait time for new firefighters, therefore starving your department of needed staffing.

I'm also hearing that it's being considered having departments pay for training, which in my opinion would be a good way to offset courses and make people feel more obligated to attend.

DES funding is going to get cut, and I'm very interested to see how this pans out and which areas it's going to affect at DES.

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I just want to remind ALL Westchester firefighters to attend as many classes at DES as they can. At this point, not only for your own good, but to show that there is a need and want for training.

Also, when you do sign up, please actually show up and don't cancel last minute.

If course enrollment dwindles, and people continually sign up then cancel, then Astorino's more likely to cut the courses offered and slash funding for training related expenses, such as CFI's, training prop maintainence, etc.

Let's also keep in mind that basic firefighter courses would also be cut in the amount offered and the open slots, which could lead to increased wait time for new firefighters, therefore starving your department of needed staffing.

Good point, Seth. One of the most frustrating things is to have 30 people signed up for a class and then have only half actually show up.

I don't think the County Executive will directly cancel course offerings but it is directly tied to the budget at DES so there is a link. I would also be concerned with the implications of state budget cuts on state classes offered here in Westchester. If the "doomsday" budgets become reality, training may become very scarce!

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i love taking classes at DES would be a shame to see the amount of classes get cut.

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