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update of 2 28 05 on Jimmy

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Dearest Family and Friends,

First I must apologize for my wacky letter on Friday. I went back and read what I wrote and realized that it was not fair to all of you, but please understand that my wacky letter was exactly what was in my heart and head at the moment. We had a very difficult, to say the least, day with a lot of various opinions by doctors. This is normal in this situation because no one really knows what is going on in the brain during such a trying time. The brain is a mystery as we all know. Anyway, imagine the worst thing you could be told in this situation and that was just one thing we were facing. Although, that is always a reality in this situation, I was not prepared to think about it, but I don't think I will ever be. So that said, we will continue to keep a close eye on Jimboy, and we are following him closely.

We believe that what is happening to him is post-radiation, and we just need to treat the symptoms as they come. The seizures are much better controlled now. He was having an intolerance to milk product in the tube feeding, and that is rectified. The symptoms can at times be life threatening so therefore we will be watching closely. As of right now, he looks good and feels ok, so we have gotten the okay to come home. We are prepared with medications, and are confident that we will get through this. As always, he never ceases to amaze us, and as we have done for the past year, we will follow Jimboy's lead.

So, now that our heads are clearer, and the tears have stopped, we will continue on this journey with our family. Your prayers and love are so appreciated and we are eternally grateful to you all. We will get back on track and take each day as it comes. We have very good people around us, and thank goodness to our nurses and doctors for their constant support to us. They may not always know what to say to us because the brain is such a mystery, but they always get us through it. Thank you to all our doctors, nurses and staff at the children's hospital for your genuine love and caring for our family. Thank you for listening to our woes and helping us sort out all the information that is sent our way. You are all angels to us.

Thank you for all your emails, they help Jim and I remember how blessed we are to have so many great people around us. They keep our spirits up and help us continue this path. We do not know where we would be without all the support and, especially, love. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and souls.

Like I said before, hopefully, you can forgive me for my outburst letter the other day. Like I have said before it feels good when I can get it out. Sorry you all had to be the recipient. Pray, pray, pray for our Jimboy, and please know that we are so thankful to you all. We realize no one knows what to say to us, but just know if I had to say something to us. . . I wouldn't know what to say either.

Thank you all and God Bless You and Your Family Now and Forever, or as Jimboy would say, "Forever and Ever and Ever and Eeeevvvvveeeerrrrr." Isn't that the truth.

Love you all - Gina

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