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The Greatest Day

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The cool crisp air, your spiffy Class A, patent leather shoes, meeting up with brothers from all over, on the train into New York. Must be St. Patrick's Day. We used to have in the old By-Laws of our department that members had to wear their Class A to and from work everyday; but they got to ride on the trolley cars that used to cover the district, for free. Now that must have been a royal pain!

But now, the honor goes to you. Maybe the conductor gives you professional courtesy, a throw-back to the trolly days. Grand Central Station still takes your breath away as you pass through and make your way up to the "staging area." Hey, there's Ricky Lynch and the band! This day is such a wonderful celebration of the heritage of the old country, and the values brought through the ages, and proudly carried this day by the brotherhood. What a distinct honor to participate in such a great event!



Westchester Police


Washington D.C. Fire Dept.


Emerald Society


10 days and counting!

x635, helicopper and BFD1054 like this

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efdcapt115, Look what law is still on the books!

The mayor of each city of this state and the mayor of each incorporated village may issue, under the seal of his office, to each policeman and fireman appointed by the duly-constituted authorities of such city or village, a certificate of the appointment and qualification of such policeman or fireman as such, and specifying the duration of his term of office; and it shall thereupon be the duty of every street surface and elevated railroad company carrying on business within such city or village, to transport every such policeman or fireman free of charge while he is traveling in the course of the performance of the duties of his office. Every telegraph or telephone company engaged in business within such city or village, shall afford to such policeman or fireman the use of its telegraph lines or telephones for the purpose of making and receiving reports and communications in the course of the performance of his official duties.

Don't "flip your tin" just yet. There are a couple of bumps in the close:

1. It says the Mayor "may" not "must". Good luck to you when you ask the Mayor.

2. It's only good "in the course of the performance of the duties of" our office.

The second one is definitely argueable in that I think it's every fireman's duty to go to at least once in his career to a St. Pat's Parade someplace. (And also to at least one LODD funeral)

Keep the tradition alive

efdcapt115, FFLieu, x635 and 1 other like this

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Amen George and Bill! And many a good time was had by all!

May those who love us, love us. And those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. And if he doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so we may know them by their limping!

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I paid $17.00 last year on the train to Grand Central, that $17 could have got me 2 beers! lol, Talk about price gouging! I hear that the armory won't be open this year?

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Enjoy it while you can. The Bloomberg administration is targeting parades for cuts/limitations next year to help balance the city budget so the parade may be substantially shorter next year!

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Nicely put George and thanks for sharing the pics.

DC Wraftery, thanks for sharing that piece of history. However, it seems to be just that, History. You dont see too much professional courtesy much anymore and thats a shame for you guys. But as you said, it looked good on paper, until you read the "fine print."

I had gone to the NYC parade for years. Whether i was skipping High School to attend or in recent years using a personal day to get out of work lol. I must say, theres nothing like it. For guys like me that worship the fire service, its an awesome time. Seeing everyone in their Class-A's shwoing their pride of not only Irish heritage, but the fire service as well. Its always nice when i get to see some of the guys i know from around here (hudson144), or friends from the FDNY, NYPD and Troopers. That has got to be such a proud feeling marching that route.

A couple years ago, we were just about to leave the bar, when all of sudden the guys from the Westchester Police Pipes & Drums came in. Needless to say, we stayed awhile longer and had a blast.

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I hear that the armory won't be open this year?

That is correct. Something about they rented the place for the whole week?

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I'm heading out tomorrow to look for a telegraph office so I can talk to the guys at the firehouse for free. Do I have to know Morse Code?

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I go to the parade every year (its on my birthday). It is always sad to see the 343 American Flags go by.

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I had the HONOR of marching in the St Patricks Day Parade with the members of the FDNY several years ago. The members of Engine 37 and Ladder 40, welcomed myself and a few other members from my own small city dept to join them. At that Harlem Firehouse in the morning, we were all treated to one Great huge Breakfast. Other on duty companies in the battalion were invited to come over and join in the feast also. After that, we got on the subway to line up for marching. It sure was an Honor to march with those Great Firefighters. It was a Great day and a Great time. As I remember, we were invited down again for the next year too. Myself and the other members of our dept have never forgotten The Class and Great Time we were given by those FDNY Harlem Guys. "Thanks Again Guy's".

Retired IAFF 892

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