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Report Cites Errors in Houston LODDs

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Report Cites Errors in Houston LODDs

Crews entered the blaze without two-way radios or thermal imaging equipment.


Houston Chronicle

Posted: Tue, 02/23/2010 - 11:33

The failure to fully assess a burning home and then entering the smoky blaze without two-way radios or thermal imaging equipment may have contributed to the deaths of a veteran Houston Fire Department captain and a rookie firefighter battling a wind-whipped house fire last Easter, according to an investigation by the State fire marshal's office.

The bodies of Capt. James A. Harlow, 50, and firefighter Damion J. Hobbs, 29, were recovered inside 7811 Oak Vista about 40 minutes after firetrucks first arrived at the southeast Houston residence last April 12. Harlow and Hobbs' engine truck was the first on the scene, at about 12:07 a.m., and the two, along with a third firefighter, mounted a "fast attack," entering the empty home where a fire fueled by 30 mph wind gusts was intensified by the collapse of a large glass wall at the rear of the house.


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Again-TIC,so important these days, use them! Radios- Another thing that is not carried by many - communicating to the IC or anyone for help is vital when you are trapped. I will add in the flashlight also, from the experience on Gramatan Ave collapse in 1999 without a flashlight we still might be crawling around looking for the hoseline to get out! Basic stuff can and will save you.

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"The failure to fully assess a burning home and then entering the smoky blaze without two-way radios or thermal imaging equipment may have contributed to the deaths"

SIZE UP!!!!!

How many FD's issue Two-Way Radios to Firefighters?

- One for each riding position?

- One with each SCBA?

- One for every Interior Firefighter?

- Firefighters properly trained on radio use?

Does every Westchester FD have a TIC?

- When is it used?

- Firefighters properly trained?

- Who carries it?



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