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Bill would make nurse assault a felony

4 posts in this topic

This is a good step, ER Nurses already enjoy some felony-level protections. This bill should extend it to all nurses.

NYS PL 120.05 (3)

NYS PL 120.08

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This is a good step, ER Nurses already enjoy some felony-level protections. This bill should extend it to all nurses.

NYS PL 120.05 (3)

NYS PL 120.08

Good point, but the reality is that 99% of assault cases on ED staff will go unreported, regardless of the charge and its severity. We have enough paperwork to do as it is--- to add to it if I'm still upright with all limbs intact is just honestly not worth it.

Additionally, those committing the assaults most times are mentally incapacitated in some way, either by organic illness or with the help of less-than-theraputic agents. Can the felony assault charge still "stick" on a delusional paranoid schizophrenic having a bad hair day, for example???

Edited by Tapout

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Good point, but the reality is that 99% of assault cases on ED staff will go unreported, regardless of the charge and its severity. We have enough paperwork to do as it is--- to add to it if I'm still upright with all limbs intact is just honestly not worth it.

Additionally, those committing the assaults most times are mentally incapacitated in some way, either by organic illness or with the help of less-than-theraputic agents. Can the felony assault charge still "stick" on a delusional paranoid schizophrenic having a bad hair day, for example???

I can't answer that yes/no. We really need to look at the intricacies of each individual case, but often, yes, we can make them stick.

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