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Fire Prevention

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What do departments in Westchester do as far as Fire Prevention programs. I'm trying to collect some ideas...

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What do departments in Westchester do as far as Fire Prevention programs. I'm trying to collect some ideas...

A good way to get this type of info is to take a look at FD's websites. You will get a good insight into the varoius programs in use in he county. Aside from that, I personally an a proponent of Company Inspections. All HFD personnel are certified code enforcement officers, but they only enforce the Fire Preventioh Code. All other code vioations (ie plumbing) are referred to the proper department. All multi-dwellings and commercials are inspected yearly.

I believe that Company Inspections are the singlemost program contributing to the prevention of fires in commercials and multi dwellings. Company Inspections also contribute greatly to Firefighter safety in that Firefighters become familiar with buildings in their first due area. Construction, layout, contents, hazards, egress, etc. are all addressed in the inspection. With a good Company Inspection program, a company should never pull up to a building without somebody in that company having been in that building before.

The reason for doing Company inspections can be summed up by the acronym F.I.R.E.

F Famiarization of the building by Firefighters, and fill out or update a building record card showing all the vital info about the building

I Inspect the building for violations

R Remedy or Remove any dangerous conditions

E Educate the public about fire prevention. Educate members so the building won't kill them.

Guys will moan about doing company inspections, but try to look at the bright side: Its the only time you don't have to CRAWL and JFLYNN won't even yell at you.

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