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Eastchester (Tuckahoe) - Working Fire - 2/11/10

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Date: 2/11/10

Time: 21:05

Location: 155 Wallace Street

Frequency: 453.6750 / Fire 18 / EMS 18

EFD Units Operating: 2101, 2102, E27, E29, E30, E31, L16, TL17

EVAC Units: 5711, 5712, 57B2, 57M1

Weather Conditions: Cold, Clear

Description Of Incident: Fire in 3-story frame dwelling.

Reporters: Da' Box

Writer: Da' Box

21:05 - E29, E27, L16, TL17, 2102 dispatched for a kitchen fire.

21:07 - 2102 on location, smoke showing from a 3-story frame dwelling.

21:11 - 2102 reports 1 line stretched, Truck forcing entry, 10-75. E30, E31 and EMS added to the box.

21:12 - E22 & L12 from New Rochelle to Eastchester HQ for coverage. Battalion 18 dispatched.

21:14 - 2102 reports primaries underway, water on the fire.

21:30 - 2101 reports fire is K/D, checking for extension.

21:35 - 2102 reports Secondary Searches are negative.

Edited by 1075thebox

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