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Listen up Obama

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Just a few points of interest...

Preemption is an internationally accepted norm, it actually predates the existence of this country.

Bush wasn't my favorite President, but in terms of North Korea - he actually got inspectors back into the country. Clinton's approach was to throw more carrots their way...8 years of carrot throwing will probably take a quarter century to reverse. But, even more generally, NK (in terms of the regime) is just struggling to be relevant....all their pomp and circumstance is posturing.

The problem with Obama is that he's just like President Carter when it comes to foreign policy and politicking. I'm not a warmonger by any stretcher of the imagination, but all he wants to do is talk, talk and talk. Talking alone doesn't work. You need a combination of talking, strong sanctions and military posturing to get things done.

I suppose it's ok though...Obama will go rally the masses in Europe and apologize for all our ills. What's kind of hilarious about it all, is that Europe is probably the biggest fermenter for terrorism in this century. They will never admit it, but many european countries are exponentially more racist and xenophobic than the United States has or will ever be....and thats where terrorism is born. Look at France with the Algerians, Germany with the Turks, the Nordic countries etc.

Great post Goose.

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Today, being National Freedom Day, I thought I'd post this link. The clip is a little lengthy, but WELL worth the time!

Sit back, turn up the volume a little bit hit the "Play Button" and relax for a few.

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48%? That's more than double George Bush's approval rating.

Not true, at this point in his presidency Bush had around 80-90% approval rating. Bush's approval rating only went down that far towards the end of his 2nd term. I don't agree with everything he did but you can also pin a lot of blame on the media just constantly hitting away at him. I am sure if Obama had that the way bush had it his approval rating would be low too.

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Oh, we've haven't ignored them. So, that mean's we engaged them??? Interesting take on the situation.

And you seem to be focusing on the "Korean People". Interesting point of view.

Then again North Korean did not seem as defiant as they do now. I see what you are saying but what you have to remember is North Korea didn't kill 343 firemen and thousands of innocent civilians on our own soil. Now you could argue that Iraq was not connected with 9/11 and you would be right to an extent. You have to look at Iraq/Afghanistan has two different theaters in one war on terror just like North Africa was during WW2. Afghanistan was the central point of the Taliban and such which was important and there were reports of WMDs in Iraq which is believable because it was CIA intelligence, plus the fact Saddam wouldn't let UN inspectors in.

Now with NK we can see they have a big nuclear ambition but you act as if Bush did not address the issue whatsoever. North Korea was watched however military action would be pointless due to possible intervention from China as they threatened in The Korean War. Btw on an interesting side note China pretty much tech owns us now because we are so in debt to them thanks to Obama. Anyways it would have been catastrophic to invade either NK or Iran while fighting two conflicts in Iraq/Afghanistan and i am sure Iran was going to be next after Iraq anyway.

Please tell me what Obama's softline stance has accomplished in the world besides apologizing like a moron making us look weak. He increased the number of troops in Afghanistan which was similar to McCain's surge plan in Iraq that Obama heavily criticized. One final point, what you need to understand with radical extremist this goes for both terrorist and NK/Iran's dictator, is that they don't care about diplomacy only that their cause gets pushed on. If they were rational and listened to diplomacy they wouldn't be radical extremists would they? Groups like Hamas/Hezzbolah have awesome political/PR machines that will spin anything we do to make us look bad.

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