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Buchanan Family in need of help!!!

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Buchanan family needs the communities help:

Darlene Harbolic is a well known, well liked woman from Buchanan. Darlene is a loving and caring mother of three great children as well as a wonderful wife. Unfortunately, Darlene has been battling cancer for over six years. With medical bills climbing out of control, Darlene and her family could use some help.

Darlene’s two sons are firefighters, her husband an ex-Lieutenant and her father-in-law an ex-Chief with the Buchanan Engine Company. Darlene works at the Hendrick Hudson High school in Montrose as a teachers-aide, where she is very much appreciated not only by staff members, but by the students as well. Everyone who knows Mrs. Harbolic loves her because she is just a truly beautiful person. Just recently, Darlene’s children put together an all day fund-raiser held at the Hendrick Hudson High school. The local firefighters and State Troopers came out for a friendly game of basketball and there was an air-castle, food and arts & crafts and all proceeds went to Darlene. There were a lot of people and many families coming in and out of the festivities all day and thanks to them, the Harbolic family was able to raise $16,500. That just goes to show how truly loved Darlene is in the community. However, there are still more bills to be paid and the Harbolic’s could use any help that anyone is willing to give.

If anyone is interested in making a personal donation or perhaps a donation in the name of their department, any amount would be greatly appreciated.

If you or your department would like to make a donation, please send check or money order to:

Darlene Harbolic

P.O. Box 784

Verplanck, NY 10596

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