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Concerned neighbor: Milford CT resident questions safety of testing ladder truck above her property

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Concerned neighbor: Milford resident questions safety of testing ladder truck above her property

Published: Saturday, January 16, 2010

By Brian McCready, Milford Bureau Chief

MILFORD — Fire Chief Louis LaVecchia says the Fire Department always strives to be a good neighbor, and that sentiment is ardently endorsed by Mayor James L. Richetelli Jr.

But resident Carol Martin says she’s not so sure.

Martin lives at 14 Roswell St., behind the West Shore fire station on Naugatuck Avenue.

She said she has had an ongoing dispute with the Fire Department dating back several years. She said on occasion the aerial truck, which has a ladder that extends, has violated her air space

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Why is this even news? It says the Chief told her they weren't going to fly the ladder up there. Seems like this is a situation that could have been resolved by a friendly conversation with the Captain or a neighborly exchange of food, not a call to the Register.

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sadly enough she does have a point.... your property does extend upward from the earth, and it is her " air space " .... you would not let you neighbor erect a structure up 100 ft and over your house. Same thing here. In NYC property owners actually sell their " air space " above, to their neighbors.

Bottom line here, we are here to serve the public, as stupid and silly as they can be( and yes they can be ).... bit your lips and deal with it... we need to think from the other person's point if view....

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sadly enough she does have a point.... your property does extend upward from the earth, and it is her " air space " .... you would not let you neighbor erect a structure up 100 ft and over your house. Same thing here. In NYC property owners actually sell their " air space " above, to their neighbors.

Bottom line here, we are here to serve the public, as stupid and silly as they can be( and yes they can be ).... bit your lips and deal with it... we need to think from the other person's point if view....

Don't let local politicians read this, they'll start an airspace tax!

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I love the line in the article about the FDNY ladder collapsing and killing a person. Trouble was if its the incident I was thinking of it was where the ladder failed while operating at a box and unfortunately a civilian that shouldn't have been walking there got killed.

I wish someone would have fired back at her and say rather test it and have it fail at the firehouse rather than having it fail at a fire scene!!!

Besides, knowing where the firehouse is, the stick being 75' at that station and where her house is, I highly doubt the guys in Milford even cam close to it.

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